SAP Barcelona

SAP is helping the best-run businesses make the world run better

Company type

Large company


IT / IT Consulting / Software


Barcelona, Spain

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Intern Stories - Part 1: Julia Schreider, Intern at the SAP Barcelona Experience Center

Read about our current intern Julias experience as she is celebrating the halfway mark of her 6-month internship journey at SAP. Here are some of her initial key takeaways:

"Theory in Practice - Studying communication science has been an eye-opening journey, delving into communication theories and developing communication strategies. Seeing how my academic background directly contributes to making a real impact at the SAP Experience Center Barcelona is incredibly fulfilling. The more I explore this field, the more I realize there's still a world of communication to learn from.

Experience Abroad
- Since moving to Barcelona in March, I've not only experienced the Catalan culture but also had the privilege of immersing myself in a diverse office environment. It's been an amazing experience learning about so many diverse cultures and connecting with colleagues from around the world. Each interaction has taught me invaluable lessons and broadened my horizons.

Curiosity Fuels Growth - 
Throughout my internship, I've come to realize that curiosity is one of the most important attributes for personal and professional growth. Embracing a curious mindset has allowed me to continuously seek new challenges, explore innovative solutions, and expand my knowledge beyond my comfort zone."