The life of a risk analyst...
Analysing funding applications (credit risk)
Risk analysts may spend their days investigating funding applications submitted by account managers and customer advisers. Once they’ve analysed the risk involved, they’ll take a position on the feasibility of the application and pass on their opinion on the related level of risk.
Anticipating and preventing potential risks
To determine the ratio of risk against potential profit, risk analysts have to update, optimise and work with a wide range of different indicators, including risk mapping within their specific fields, working with sensitive risk monitoring lists, running mathematical modelling simulations, reading research papers, quantified analyses, using scoring techniques, and so on. They also have to carry out checks to verify that procedures are being followed and that any amounts of credit authorised are entirely correct.
Monitoring standards and procedures
Analysts oversee a range of existing procedures that need to be updated regularly. They also draft new procedures designed to protect banks from various risks. Another key part of their role is drafting incident management procedures.
Reporting duties
Finally, analysts are responsible for developing dashboards and writing internal reports whilst monitoring the progress of banking operations and any corrective actions that have been put in place. These tasks are far from exhaustive and the scope of activity risk analysts are involved in will vary greatly according to their specialisms and place of work.