E-learning developer

Experienced tutors, e-learning developers design and create the tools needed for online learning. Their job is to make knowledge more accessible and appealing through activities, animations, videos and more.

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Fun fact

A lesson for us all: organising your thoughts is key. Sociologist Niklas Luhmann’s method for taking notes, Zettelkasten, which is German for note-box or slip-box, allowed him to write more than 70 books and 400 articles... all without a computer! The secret? Make notes on small slips of paper as you read and record sources, before numbering and categorising them within a network of inter-connected ideas. Productivity and serendipity!


Hard skills

  • Multimedia systems
  • School psychology
  • Content development processes
  • Standards for web-based e-learning
  • Deliver online training
  • E-learning software infrastructure
  • Learning technologies
  • Publishing strategy

Soft skills

  • Active listening
  • Learning strategies
  • Teaching and mediation

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