Food analyst

Ever heard of the Yuka app? A quick scan of the barcodes on the food you eat will bring up a mountain of useful data – all the result of analyses carried out by skilled agrifood analysts to determine the quality of products intended for consumption.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads914

Fun fact

How come orange juice is available all year round and always tastes exactly the same – regardless of the brand – all round the world? Actually, it’s very simple. First, the oranges are pressed, then the juice is sealed in giant tanks where all the oxygen is removed to prevent it from going mouldy. This process keeps the juice perfectly preserved for up to a year. Then flavour enhancers are added to standardise the taste. Fun fact: that “orange juice” taste is often manufactured by the perfume industry.


Hard skills

  • Molecular biology
  • Instrumentation equipment
  • Laboratory-based sciences
  • Set health, hygiene, safety and security standards
  • Food safety standards
  • Physics
  • Metrology

Soft skills

  • Active problem identification
  • Analytical prediction
  • Logical reasoning

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