ICT help desk manager

Cat-like reflexes and the ability to bat away stress are must-have qualities in this career! Genuine heroes in the eyes of their clients, support engineers step in whenever there’s an IT issue to identify a solution as quickly as possible. And it goes without saying, their services are always required “urgently”.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ad1

Fun fact

One of the most expensive bugs in history... In 2004, the UK’s Child Support Agency invested in a new IT system that was supposed to speed up child support payments. Unfortunately, the complex system contained a number of bugs. The result? 1.9 million people were accidentally overpaid, another 700,000 were underpaid, and a backlog of 239,000 cases very quickly built up. The total cost of this shambles? Over half a billion pounds – enough to bring every support engineer out in a cold sweat: “You have 30 missed calls”...


Hard skills

  • Use customer relationship management software
  • Characteristics of products
  • Organisational structure
  • Ict problem management techniques
  • E-learning
  • Product comprehension

Soft skills

  • Human projection
  • Self-management
  • Logical reasoning

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1 job offers available