ICT network engineer

Network engineers, also known as radio engineers, design and experiment with new technologies and methods to develop communications systems that can optimise network coverage.

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The life of a telecoms or radio engineer...

A head for technology

For telecoms engineers, it’s essential that existing networks work well. That's why they need to be perfectly comfortable with cutting-edge technology, because they’re the ones charged with designing the necessary products to make sure their sector or network runs like clockwork (from analogue fittings to IT systems), all the while responding to emergencies, as well as general maintenance, software bugs, defective materials, and the like. They’re also responsible for regularly monitoring operating systems and equipment, including antennas and cells.

A strategic role

Telecoms engineers may also be required to lead network development projects. First, they define the customer’s needs, which then leads onto the installation of technical facilities, which all need to be carefully measured, along with producing quotes for the work and ensuring everything is carried out correctly in terms of deadlines and supplies.

Dealing with challenges

Addressing customer complaints and identifying quick solutions is an integral part of a telecoms engineer’s role, as they’re usually the number one port of call in an emergency. To remedy any problems encountered, it’s likely they’ll have to send out teams to fix broken antennas, repair and change faulty equipment, update software, and so on.

Fun fact

Bluetooth allows electronic devices to connect to each other over short distances. Swedish company Ericsson named the technology in honour of Danish King Harald Blåtand, or Harald with the Blue Tooth, who united Norway and Denmark in the 10th century. Look closely, and you’ll see the Bluetooth logo was even inspired by the King’s initials (HB) in the runic alphabet!


Hard skills

  • Ict performance analysis methods
  • Information security strategy
  • Cloud technologies
  • Ict network routing
  • Signal processing
  • Ict communications protocols

Soft skills

  • Negotiation
  • Self-adjustment
  • Self-management

Typical educational background

  • 2 to 5 years of higher education, telecommunications or engineering studies
  • Masters in telecommunications

Within companies

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