The life of a logistics manager...
Overseeing purchasing
Logistics managers need to select suppliers, procure the necessary goods and ensure they’re properly routed to warehouses, purchasing any new handling equipment or storage facilities required, all the while ensuring the costs of all these operations are as low as can be.
Managing teams
Warehouses are real hives of activity... and logistics managers spend a great deal of time here at the coalface. They work in close collaboration with production teams and warehouse managers to orchestrate the work of delivery teams (as well as haulage companies).
Administering stock levels
Optimisation is a logistics manager’s favourite word. They need to ensure the time between suppliers delivering products and them being forwarded to customers and stores is as short as humanly possible, establishing a steady pace of operation in order to increase their company’s productivity levels. Productivity, reliability and responsiveness indicators need to meet or exceed targets set by company management and customers alike.
Expecting the unexpected
In addition to their core role, logistics managers may also be asked to draft strategic logistics reports to highlight trends that can be useful for solving problems and future planning. Indeed, expecting the unexpected is a key part of their daily lives, because they are usually the first port of call if anything goes wrong in the warehouse or in relation to deliveries.