The life of a production manager...
Organising production
Usually assigned to one or more production lines, production managers are given production orders from other departments within the factory at the start of each shift, which take into account customer demand and define the day’s production priorities. Often, every product has to be made in a certain way or in a different colour, for example, meaning production managers have to decide and plan in which order they should begin producing the various goods. As a result, they’re in charge of production schedules, as well as team schedules for the operators working along each stage of the production line. Managing teams of operators is one of the fundamental parts of their day-to-day role.
Managing unexpected events
In the event of any problems or machine failures, production managers need to work closely with quality and maintenance staff to stop the production line and solve the issue. Working hand in hand with quality and maintenance departments, production managers are always looking for the root cause of any problems and the best solutions, both in the short and longer term, to restart production as quickly as possible.
Continuous improvement
Beyond managing the daily operations of a production line, production managers have to identify ways of improving their lines to produce high quality goods even faster and at lower costs than before. Once ideas have been signed off by other teams and managers, they’re able to manage the process of improving lines, from ordering new machines to installing them on the line and training operators