Mergers and acquisitions analyst

Mergers and acquisitions analysts oversee the execution of transactions for the purchase, sale, merger or takeover of companies. They negotiate and complete the deal on the client's behalf, by working closely with lawyers and accountants. Mergers and acquisitions analysts conduct operational and legal risk assessments of a company, assess comparable companies in the market and help with the post-merger integration.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads14

Fun fact

Can you still offer diversity with economic concentration? While the beer industry has experienced a real upsurge in recent years (with microbreweries, local brewers, independent shops), manufacturers never stop fighting to stay on top. On 13 October 2015, SABMiller, once an industry leader, accepted a takeover offer from leading brand AB InBev worth €96 billion, having previously refused four similar offers. The merger of the two giants brought more than 500 individual brands together under one roof creating a 30% market share: Budweiser, Corona, Stella Artois, Beck’s, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Leffe, Löwenbräu, Foster’s… best to stick to those names, rather than asking for “half an AB InBev”?


Hard skills

  • Business processes
  • Ict accessibility standards
  • Query languages
  • Computer technology
  • Database management systems
  • Internet governance

Soft skills

  • Systemic perception
  • Vision and Ideation
  • Evaluation

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14 job offers available