Patent engineer

Counterfeiting and industrial espionage are their sworn enemies: as specialists in intellectual property, a patent engineer’s ultimate mission is to protect their company’s inventions.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads50

Fun fact

On 14 February 1876, Alexander Graham Bell filed a patent for a revolutionary invention making it possible to transmit voices over great distances: the telephone. But he wasn’t alone. On exactly the same day, Elisha Gray filed a patent for the very same device! But the history books only seem to remember the name Alexander Graham Bell. Hard luck, Elisha.


Hard skills

  • Monitor manufacturing quality standards
  • Patents
  • Engineering principles
  • Intellectual property law
  • Legal terminology
  • Market analysis
  • Engineering processes
  • Market research

Soft skills

  • Self-organization
  • Teaching and mediation
  • Written communication

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