Poultry breeder

Poultry breeders are farmers who specialise in poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowls, etc.). They look after the animals’ health and wellbeing, and their livestock are generally raised for sale, consumption and reproduction.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads5

Fun fact

Chickens see in colour, just like we do. And they tell each other about what they can see. Chickens communicate through over 24 different vocalisations, each with a distinct meaning. They can also distinguish between more than 100 different faces of their fellow chickens. Maybe it’s time to update the old saying, “elephants never forget...”.


Hard skills

  • Animal welfare legislation
  • Manage farm supplies
  • Use office systems
  • Breed stock
  • Computerised feeding systems
  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation
  • Legislation about animal origin products
  • Maintain professional records

Soft skills

  • Active listening
  • Logical reasoning
  • Evaluation

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