
“You can’t handle the truth! . Admittedly, it was actor Jack Nicholson hurling this infamous line at the judge, but it’s still synonymous with real-life prosecutors, the people we charge with discovering and explaining the truth on behalf of the public and the prosecution services, making sure offenders face justice for what they’ve done.

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Fun fact

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day... well neither are court cases. And probably the longest case in world history lasted a whopping 246 years! It pitted the tailors of Paris against second-hand clothes dealers. Beginning in 1530, the dispute was finally resolved in 1776 when the tailor corporations were disbanded and, as a result, the trial was abandoned. All that work for nothing! Fortunately, these days, only 8% of proceedings last more than two years.


Hard skills

  • Contract law
  • Rhetoric
  • Legal research
  • Government representation
  • Legal case management
  • Civil law
  • Civil process order
  • Criminal law

Soft skills

  • Analytical prediction
  • Social perception
  • Logical reasoning

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