
Over 50% of products manufactured worldwide need to be soldered or welded, from cars and planes to computers and everything in between. Welders are responsible for assembling, installing and maintaining metal components.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ad1

Fun fact

When two pieces of metal collide in outer space, they weld together. Indeed, because there’s no atmosphere up there to protect them, we’re witnessing “cold welding”. This phenomenon was first observed in the 1960s when astronauts realised they could no longer close the door of their spaceship because a number of metallic parts had fused together... whoops!


Hard skills

  • Monitor manufacturing quality standards
  • Use hand tools
  • Metallurgy
  • Read engineering drawings
  • Metal joining technologies
  • Apply thermite welding techniques
  • Mechanics
  • Metrology

Soft skills

  • Active listening
  • Identification of Consequences
  • Teaching and mediation

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1 job offers available