Copenhagen Business School - CBS (Network Profile)

Financial research, teaching and communication of international standard


Forening / Offentlig institution / Laboratorium / Velgørenhed


Offentlig / uddannelse

Hvem er Copenhagen Business School - CBS (Network Profile)?

Founded in 1917 by the business community in Denmark, Copenhagen Business School is one of the world’s leading business universities (ranked 3rd by Eduniversal), with a strong “business university” profile underlined by the close cooperation with the Danish business society. 

In its research and education, CBS covers a broad range of subjects relevant to business in the modern world. We constantly strive to take full advantage of this scale and diversity by combining academic excellence with cross-disciplinarity. 

CBS is accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

Copenhagen Business School - CBS (Network Profile)-universet!