European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

We protect health and the environment through our work for chemical safety.


Forening / Offentlig institution / Laboratorium / Velgørenhed


Offentlig / uddannelse


Helsinki, Finland

Hvem er European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)?

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The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is an EU agency located in Helsinki.

We implement the EU’s chemicals legislation to protect people and the environment from the hazards of chemicals. Our working environment supports a balanced work and personal life.

Looking for a job with a purpose? Come work with us at the European Chemicals Agency!

  • Meaningful and fulfilling work
  • International working environment
  • Development opportunities and training
  • Collaborative way of working
  • Flexible working conditions and time off to compensate for overtime
  • Employee wellbeing
  • Inclusion, equality and diversity
  • Staff club and social events

Hvordan er det at arbejde hos European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)?

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)-universet!

  • Oprindelsesår


  • Kønsfordeling



  • Værdier

    Integrity • Transparency • Collaboration • Innovation

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) & vores CSR-tiltag

1 implementeret tiltag 💚

  • Red Cross Blood Service's Workplace certificate