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ESG Case Study: Simon-Kucher Fights Food Waste

ESG Case Study: Simon-Kucher Fights Food Waste

Having supported startups in Africa, Germany, and Mexico, our consultants focused their pro bono activities on a food retailer in France that is overturning the industry.

What is Nous Anti-Gaspi?

Nous Anti-Gaspi is a food retailer dedicated to reducing food waste. Since their launch in 2018, they have opened about 20 grocery stores in France, selling products that don’t meet retailer standards. For example, products that are visually imperfect, have packaging defects, short expiry dates, and so on.

While their aim is clearly environmental, they also have a social mission:

  • To provide quality products to all consumers by offering more affordable prices than traditional supermarkets
  • To purchase unsold products from local producers at a price that covers their costs

How did Simon-Kucher help?

  • By analyzing their transaction data, we were able to uncover actionable business insights for them to adopt
  • We proposed a new pricing approach in order to optimize profitability without harming the brand's Price Image
  • This new approach takes into account specific consumer behavior patterns to guarantee product accessibility while improving margins

"I really enjoyed building tomorrow’s pricing model with Nous Anti-Gaspi. This project proves that there are innovative business models where everyone wins: producers, retailers, consumers, and, most importantly, the planet!" - Yassine El Hachami, Senior Consultant, Simon-Kucher & Partners


Will Simon-Kucher work on similar projects in the future?

From social to environmental pro bono projects, we are always looking for ways of making a positive impact. Stay tuned for more news on what are consultants are doing to lead the charge on uplifting communities and economies for the better.