The life of a communications officer...
Improving their company’s reputation
Reputation and image are the cornerstone of any company’s identity. Communications officers work hard to strengthen and reinforce a company’s branding by running campaigns on various communications channels, depending on the target audience involved. They might work for specialist agencies, for a variety of different companies as freelancers, or develop their own in-house strategy alongside advertisers.
Enhancing their brand’s image
Making a brand or company liked is one of a communications officer’s biggest tasks, since this can make or break a company’s image. Whether dealing with customers, employees, communications agencies or the general public, a good communicator needs to know how to go about things the right way (in terms of creativity and originality) to charm their target audience and build their loyalty.
Encouraging their target audience to act
The whole purpose of a communications officer’s role is to make sure a company’s communications campaigns are effective enough to trigger their target audience into reacting in one way or another. They may also be responsible for organising media events and other non-media initiatives (e.g. competitions, flyers, events, etc.) in order to continue boosting loyalty.
Typical educational background
- 2 to 5 years of higher education
- Business studies background, specialising in communications