
A Global Leader in Cloud Software

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News (9)

  • Recruitment

    Life At Nutanix POV: An Inside look at our Systems Engineering Academy

    At Nutanix, our Systems Engineering and Solution Sales organization comprises 800+ customer-focused technical sales professionals worldwide, who are responsible for identifying and matching technology opportunities with our customers’ business needs and objectives, as well as channel partner training and enablement.  Our newly launched Systems Engineering (SE) Academy provides a 12-month program for upcoming or recent graduates with a passion for technology and a desire to build the foundation for a career in enterprise technical sales. This international group of graduates have the opportunity to work in our beachfront Barcelona office while learning from our experienced team of Systems Engineers gaining skills, knowledge, and industry-recognized certifications. To give you some more insight into the program we asked one of our SE Academy graduates, Issi, to give their point of view (POV) on an average day working onsite in our Barcelona office. Here’s what they had to share: Issi: “After graduating with a Computer Science degree from Swansea University in the United Kingdom, I headed to sunny Barcelona, Spain. There, I joined Nutanix as an Associate Customer Success Systems Engineer (CSSE) in an office of almost 100 people from all over the world. Luckily, in this comparatively small office, we have a tight-knit community of co-workers I have the privilege of calling my friends. 8 AM - Rise and Shine! In the SE Academy, we follow a hybrid working schedule, with three days a week on-site and the other two from home.   On a usual day in the office, I wake up at around 8 AM for my morning coffee while I get ready for work. During the summer I take the bus to work but lately, I’m taking advantage of the cooler weather by walking or cycling through the buzzing city and down to the beautifully situated Port Olympic beachfront, where our office is located, where I can enjoy the beautiful view. Once I arrive at the office, I deposit my laptop at my desk and head straight to the kitchen to catch up with my co-workers (while making a stop to raid the snack cupboard). 9:30 AM - Down to Business Around 9:30 AM, I sit down at my desk to check my emails and calendar for the day. I also use this time to check in with the other Associate CSSEs to ensure we are all aligned. This communal ritual helps ground my mindset and start the day. At around 10 AM, our Academy Manager, Vincent, will join us at our desk cluster to check in. Vincent uses this time to give us a roadmap of the work we should be focused on for the day.  Typically, our workload consists of training, obtaining certifications, and shadowing our mentors or “buddies”. Our buddies are more senior CSSEs who already work with clients, and lead meetings, demos, and workshops. We sometimes get to prepare for mock demos, which we normally tackle together, as a cohort of graduates. I can’t write this without mentioning the amazing opportunities we are given as part of the sales team. Once a year, we are invited to Las Vegas for the Nutanix Sales Kick Off (SKO). Here, we can meet the entire global Nutanix sales team and network with all levels of the organization, all the way up to the CEO! It’s a week filled with incredible learning opportunities and unforgettable cultural experiences. Our team at the Nutanix Sales Kick Off 1 PM - Break time with Barcelona Buddies At around 13:00, we all break for lunch. We will normally either bring lunch from home or walk to the health food store together right around the corner. There is a beautiful area on the first floor of the office building where almost everyone congregates for lunch. We usually spend the full hour chatting and on sunny days, we even go to the beach to get an ice cream together! Beach Picnic for Lunch  2 PM - Shadowing, Studying, and Focus Work After lunch, it’s time for a little more coffee before heading back to our desks. In the afternoons, I find myself shadowing Zoom calls and quizzing the other graduates on questions for the upcoming certification. This is broken up by the occasional coffee run and chat session! Luckily when I need some silence to get focus work done, we all have access to our 27th floor workspace. And from here, you can see all of gorgeous Barcelona! Barcelona Office View Afterwork Happy Hours Once we have completed all of our tasks for the day, we’ll occasionally all go down to one of the local bars to unwind. The warm evening setting on the beach is perfect for decompressing and chatting about anything and everything with the wonderful team. We share interesting stories from our home countries or funny anecdotes from our day-to-day lives, fostering the creation of genuine relationships with one another. With colleagues from all over the world, I get to practice speaking different languages every day. I average about 3-4 different languages a day (and yes, they teach me all the good words)!  Unwinding after work! When we’re not going out after work, I love meandering back home through the tiny side streets of the Gothic Quarter and exploring the beautiful historic area. In Spain, evenings only kick off at about 9 PM, leaving time to relax after work before meeting up with my friends for dinner, a glass of wine, or a bit of skateboarding. After only a few months at Nutanix, I can already feel the company's values of hungry, humble, honest, and heart in its people and office culture above all else. The Barcelona office is an incredible community and inclusive environment where everyone knows everyone. I can’t wait to continue my journey at Nutanix.”

  • Company life

    From the Navy to Nutanix

    Meet Chassidy Zeno, the Navy medic who dove headfirst into "corporate" as a DOD Skillbridge intern for Nutanix's People team. The DOD Skillbridge Program assists active duty service members in their last days of service by connecting them to internship opportunities in fields they'd like to pursue. For example, Chassidy worked closely with several of our People and HR teams.  Recognizing the intersections between her unique military healthcare background and her role in HR has enabled Chassidy to make an impact while having the flexibility to cherish cherishing moments with her family. Keep reading as Chassidy reflects on her journey to Nutanix and shares some valuable insight on how she’s adapted to the civilian workforce using her military experiences. Chassidy: “Joining the military was a life-changing decision, but so was the moment I had to leave. From my hometown of Las Vegas, I embarked on a challenging journey in the Navy, starting with intense boot camp and training to become a medic. The experience of being away from my family was difficult, but it forged my hunger to serve. My first duty station took me to Naval Air Facility Atsugi in Japan, where I immersed myself in the rich culture, formed deep connections, and even climbed Mt. Fuji multiple times. Three years later, as I prepared to relocate to another station in California, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Suddenly, everything changed. Orders were cancelled, and I found myself trapped, unable to be with my family or continue my military career. During this time of uncertainty, I made the decision to prioritize the well-being of my loved ones and seek quality time with them. The passing of my father further reinforced the importance of being with them. As my mental health declined, a glimmer of hope emerged through the DOD SkillBridge program, which offered a chance to gain valuable corporate experience while being closer to my family.  Chassidy surprised her mother with flowers and a home visit. Finding and Preparing for a Job: I soon discovered Nutanix, which initially seemed foreign given my healthcare background. However, Aaron, a Veteran and my Nutanix recruiter helped me identify the parallels between my skills as a medic and the role in HR with the People Team and the DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) team. Taking my heavily healthcare-focused “brag sheet” and turning it into a corporate role-related resume was almost a bit of a nightmare until I realized that Nutanix wasn’t looking for perfection; they’re looking for unique people with diverse perspectives. In addition to the resume, the interview process in the civilian world is different from military boards. Translating military jargon and acronyms into civilian language was crucial, so I reached out to prior veterans like Aaron, who provided helpful tips and advice. For example, taking the time to describe not just the duties related to my military job, but what I personally did while in that role specifically. Job and Mind Orientation: Veterans bring a lot of qualities and skills to the workforce. The dedication, teamwork, and core values that have been drilled into us from the first day of boot camp. Veterans have a strong work ethic and are accustomed to working under pressure in challenging environments.  Starting my new role at Nutanix meant creating structure would be critical for me as a veteran transitioning to civilian life. Although I was used to a very clear hierarchy structure and the military's rules and regulations, I had to adapt and overcome it. Leveraging my military core values, and keeping the phrase Semper Gumby, meaning "Always Flexible," in mind helped me throughout this process. However, one of the easier transitions moving into my role at Nutanix was being able to leave behind the 24/7 sailor mindset and spend more time with my family without fear of being called away.  Leaving the military also means leaving behind the safety net of military benefits and support. Looking for a strong veteran community to provide aid, advice, and networking opportunities was a game-changer for me. Nutanix, named a top company for veterans, is not only affiliated with the SkillBridge program but has a prevalent employee-led veteran support community called Project Victory. Just the Beginning: This transformative internship has helped me recognize that my ability to adapt, problem-solve, and remain resilient in the face of adversity are skills that we veterans can contribute to any organization. Leaving the military was not easy, but it led me to a world of new possibilities. Nutanix has provided me with opportunities to expand my skills, connect with passionate individuals, and navigate the transition from the military to the civilian workforce. One of my chiefs used to say “One team, one fight.” and I often think about how that relates to the values and culture at this company. With Nutanix as my guiding light, I'm now embarking on a career where I can continue to make a difference and still be there for my family. I look forward to making a positive impact in my career at Nutanix and beyond.” Thank you Chassidy for sharing your unique journey and #LifeAtNutanix! If you're ready to join the ranks of our misfit dream team, take a peek at our open job roles here. And while you're at it, check out our programs for veterans.

  • Other

    Cisco and Nutanix Forge Global Strategic Partnership to Simplify Hybrid Multicloud and Fuel Business Transformation

    News Summary: Global strategic partnership aims to accelerate customers’ hybrid multicloud adoption, foster innovation, and provide seamless customer experience. Together, Cisco and Nutanix aim to deliver the industry’s most complete hybrid cloud solution to simplify customer operations, maximize resiliency, and accelerate IT transformation. Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix aims to accelerate infrastructure and application delivery anywhere through best-in-class cloud operations, unparalleled flexibility, and industry-leading customer support and resiliency. Cisco, the leader in enterprise networking and security, and Nutanix, Inc., a leader in hybrid multicloud computing have announced a global strategic partnership to accelerate hybrid multicloud deployments by offering the industry’s most complete hyperconverged solution for IT modernization and business transformation. IT organizations continue to face significant operational hurdles and urgent sustainability and security concerns as a result of increasing multicloud complexity. This new partnership answers these challenges by simplifying and accelerating the delivery of infrastructure and applications, at a global scale, through best-in-class cloud operating models, unparalleled flexibility, and automated resiliency with industry-leading customer support. “Customers are asking for solutions that are simple, sustainable, and future-ready,” said Jeremy Foster, senior vice president and general manager, Cisco Compute. “This partnership answers with a complete solution spanning virtual compute, networking and storage across customer data centers and public clouds. By combining Cisco’s award-winning SaaS-managed compute portfolio with Nutanix’s market-proven cloud platform software, we can help customers develop a balanced approach to power modern workloads on-prem and in the cloud." “As organizations look to keep up with the pace of innovation, they need an integrated hardware and software platform to support application deployment anywhere,” said Tarkan Maner, chief commercial officer at Nutanix. “This partnership will deliver an expanded market opportunity for both organizations as they tackle the challenges of standardizing, simplifying, and securing environments across the data center, in public cloud and the edge.” The new offering integrates Cisco’s SaaS-managed compute and networking infrastructure (Cisco Unified Computing System with Cisco Intersight) with the Nutanix Cloud Platform (Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure, Nutanix Cloud Manager, Nutanix Unified Storage, and Nutanix Desktop Services) and will be sold by Cisco using its extensive go-to-market reach. Customers will benefit from a fully integrated and validated solution that is sold, built, managed and supported holistically for a seamless end-to-end experience. The solution will offer flexible deployment options with support for Cisco UCS rack and blade servers, including initial support for C-Series Servers and planned, future support for UCS X-Series, winner of the 2023 SEAL Sustainable Product of the Year Award and CRN’s 2023 Tech Innovator Award. The new offering will integrate advanced Cisco servers (UCS), networking and security (ACI), and management (UCS Manager, Intersight) with the Nutanix Cloud Platform software. The Nutanix Cloud Platform provides a consistent cloud operating model with a single platform for running applications and data across data centers, edges and public clouds. To best support application deployments, from mission critical workloads to AI-driven innovation, performance and capacity scale linearly, resilience is delivered from the ground up with self-healing nodes, and persistent storage is natively integrated.

  • Recruitment

    From Scholarship Recipient to Nutanix Software Engineer

    Proud to call herself a woman in engineering, Nađa (Nadja) Gavrilović was recently hired as a full-time engineer for our team in Serbia after previously being awarded one of our Nutanix .heart Advancing Women in Technology (AWIT) Scholarships. We spoke with Nađa about her new hire experience at Nutanix, the impact of receiving the AWIT scholarship, and her transition from student to full-time employee at Nutanix. Share with us your role at Nutanix? I recently joined the Nutanix team as a software engineer. I work with an amazing Serbian team of engineers developing new platforms and solutions. I’m very proud of it. How would you describe your experience working for Nutanix and what's been your favorite part about your role so far? Although I joined my team in March of 2022, the whole team made my adjustment from student to engineer a very pleasant experience. I believe a good team and a supportive environment are a prerequisite for job satisfaction, and I am very grateful to have them. Everyday activities during the workday are always challenging and never the same, but that’s exactly what makes my job so fun. I especially enjoy the tasks that require me to think outside the box seeking creative, practical, and efficient coding solutions. I also enjoy that my job allows me to progress and learn. What attracted you to Nutanix? Nutanix is a well-known company in Serbia and is talked about a lot for having a good reputation, especially among students. The faculty at my school shared the Nutanix AWIT Scholarship program, for which I judged myself to be a good candidate and was later fortunate to be one of the ten global recipients. It so happened that my Ph.D. studies in electrical engineering intersect with the work of the Nutanix software development team in Serbia. I see my team and Nutanix as a place where I can make significant progress and continue to improve in the engineering space on a whole new level. What was the scholarship application process like for you? The application process involved filling out an application form and writing an essay. The application was very detailed, which allowed me to present myself as accurately as possible. I believe that, in addition to highlighting my professional skills, the social responsibility of a candidate is very important to Nutanix. The application also allowed for me to include additional components of myself like my language and social science education, as well as volunteerism. Presenting yourself in an essay can be challenging, but is also a great opportunity to add something personal to the application and show your unique point of view. The essay asks applicants to write 500 words on how I have helped to advance the presence of women in technology and how I hope to shape the future of women in technology. My advice to future applicants is to do their best to write an essay as personalized as possible, and to avoid classic topics and phrases. Share with us the impact of the Nutanix .heart AWIT scholarship? I received the scholarship while I was nearing the end of my master's degree in electrical engineering and computer science. I still had a lot of hard work to complete my studies, so this scholarship was a great incentive and confirmation that my efforts were worthwhile, recognized, and valued. It helped me to successfully complete my master's studies and enroll in my Ph.D. program. What does it mean to you to be a woman in technology and what advice would you give to other women who are thinking about a career in tech? Women are sadly underrepresented in technology. However, our numbers are continuing to increase in the tech space and women will continue to bring new perspectives and energy to any tech team. As for advice, I would tell them what I would tell myself ten years ago: there are no obstacles if you are determined to get what you want. What's an important lesson you’re learning transitioning from school to working at Nutanix? I realized that although many students are afraid of not having enough work experience post-graduation, we still have so much knowledge that just needs to be steered in the right direction so we can learn how to use it most effectively. You have more to offer a company than you’d think. So, my advice is that there is no need to be afraid of new beginnings because it is just a door to everything we can achieve. What is something most people don’t know about you? While I am currently a software engineer who wears glasses, few would know that I actually have a short history in the fashion world as a model. In my twenties, it was a hobby that I pursued and still occasionally return to. It's always fun to mix the “best from different worlds”. Thank you to Nađa for sharing her story and highlighting growth opportunities here at Nutanix. To learn more about our team, culture, and career opportunities at Nutanix, visit our careers page.

  • Company life

    Nutanix Advancing Women in Technology Scholarship Program

    Nutanix believes in the power of diversity and realizes that a key component to driving innovation is cultivating diverse teams. Despite increased demand for a technology-trained workforce, women still remain underrepresented.  In 2018, Nutanix created the Advancing Women in Technology Scholarship program, designed to help future tech leaders to pursue and complete their education goals. We are offering up to ten scholarships to students in the United States, India, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Australia, and Mexico who want to apply their passion for technology while advancing women in the field to make a positive impact on the industry and the planet. Scholarship Eligibility Full-time undergraduate or graduate students during the 2023-24 school year*. Pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, or software engineering Attending school in the US, India, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, UK, France, Australia, and Mexico Minimum 3.0 GPA in countries that utilize GPA scoring (Transcripts required when applying) Demonstrates strong leadership and communication skills Demonstrated record of co-curricular activity and community service *Nutanix employees and their immediate family members are not eligible for these scholarships. Current Nutanix interns are not eligible for these scholarships. Applications are open until May 15, 2023.

  • Other

    Nutanix ranks #5 in The Top 100 Software Companies of 2022

    Nutanix is one of the world’s great cloud computing companies, and is recognized as one of the best in the field when it comes to cloud services and software-defined storage. Founded 13 years ago by Dheeraj Pandey, Mohit Aron, and Ajeet Singh, Nutanix has empowered clients to optimize the efficiency of their systems. It has met with striking success in this mission, pivoting last year from hardware to subscription software and earning $1.4 billion in revenue in the process. Led by new President and Chief Executive Officer Rajiv Ramaswami, Nutanix employs a team of more than 6,000 software experts (or “Nutants,” as they are affectionately known within the company). It has repeatedly been hailed as one of the best tech workplaces in the world by Fortune and The Washington Post, and was recently named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for hyperconverged infrastructure software and distributed files and object storage. Notable acquisitions in recent years have included Netsil, Minjar, and MainFrame2, enhancing the company’s cloud monitoring and application delivering capabilities.

  • Company life

    Here’s How I Found Career Growth & Success Through Mentorship as Both a Mentor & Mentee at Nutanix

    “Nutanix is a unique company with opportunities for growth and promotion that many other organizations don't have,” says Kathryn Daugherty, a part of the company’s Commercial Sales team. “In my case, I interned for three years, supporting the sales organization as an order administrator. I had an incredibly supportive manager and mentor who encouraged my goals of shifting into the sales organization. I interviewed to become a Sales Development Representative, eventually was promoted to become an Inside Account Executive, and then moved into the field as a Commercial Account Manager.” For Kathryn, mentorship and the support of her managers and colleagues has been instrumental to this career growth. “Every manager I have had at Nutanix has enabled me to be successful in my immediate role while also coaching and mentoring me to further develop and prepare for the next step in my career,” she says. Not only this, but, “at every step of my career I’ve had mentors and continue to seek mentorship,” Kathryn shares. “When I first started at Nutanix, I sought out initial mentorship from my peers and leaders within my organization. As I developed in the role and my peers were promoted, I started seeking leadership opportunities and soon found myself mentoring some of my teammates who were kick starting their careers. Now, I have regular mentorship sessions with individuals from many different business units. I started as a mentee, and now serve as both a mentee and a mentor.” To learn more about the power of mentorship to grow your career, read on to see what Kathryn has to say. How do you approach mentorship? I personally learn by doing, and I think that's the case for many sellers, like those I mentor. Every day is different; we wear a lot of different hats and, until you're in certain situations, you have no clue how to handle them. I coach my mentees by encouraging them to master their current role, while also preparing for the next. For those who want to become field reps, I encourage them to start preparing their first call pitch, to practice with their teammates and eventually consultants when they feel ready to pitch externally. I allow them to shadow me on deals so they can see the full sales cycle. I also share the good, the bad and the ugly. I've made countless mistakes and studying our mistakes is important to learn from them. I'm very open when it comes to times I could have handled situations differently and hope that sharing those moments helps others to learn from them as well. What is your top advice for people who want to become mentors at work? By definition, mentorship is guidance provided by a mentor with experience. For those looking to become mentors, seek mentorship first and learn from those whom you aspire to emulate. Focus on growing your knowledge, learning from others, volunteering for leadership opportunities, building your brand and building your confidence. In order to be a mentor, you need to be very confident in the system you've created around yourself to feel comfortable providing someone else with guidance. Thinking about your career growth, can you identify anything that earmarked you as someone ready for advancement? I don’t think one specific event or action can make someone ready to take the next step in their career. You’re never “ready” to fully jump into new challenges and unknown circumstances — which is what the world of sales is. What I think goes a long way in any job function is attitude. Are you someone that views new challenges as a chance to succeed? Are you someone who sees adversity as an opportunity for growth or do you complain? Do you motivate others? Are you passionate about what you do? Does your presence make others want to out-perform? Those kinds of questions are important to ask yourself and reflect on when trying to take the next step in your career, as I think these characteristic attributes are vital to success. When all these things are in motion and you’re confident in the business outcomes that you’re producing, you’re sure to be a top candidate for that next promotion. When growing your career and transitioning from an intern to Commercial Account Manager, was there anything that surprised you? I am surprised daily. My life has changed so much throughout the course of my time at Nutanix. I started with this company when I was 19 years old as an intern in sales operations. We were a privately held company at that time, and now we’re a global, publicly traded enterprise. I had no idea when I committed to an internship in 2015 that this company would change my life in the ways it has. I’ve had five different roles over almost seven years. When I started I was incredibly shy, and anyone who works with me today probably wouldn’t believe me if I said I used to be shy. When I was in sales operations, I was nervous to even make phone calls, and public speaking was not something I would ever consider. But, since then, I’ve presented at global conferences to large audiences and speak with hundreds of people a month either presenting Nutanix or networking with industry professionals. I’ve had the opportunity to travel with Nutanix and even move to a new city. I’ve made hundreds of amazing professional connections and countless colleagues who have become incredibly dear friends. The opportunities this career has given me are something I could have never imagined. When you’re open to growth and are passionate about what you do, you’ll be amazed with the opportunities you attract, the person you become and where life will take you.

  • Company life

    A Look Inside Customer Marketing at Nutanix

    While wrapping up her undergraduate studies in 2017, Sabrina Leung stumbled across a Product Marketing Intern role at Nutanix. She applied and landed the internship, giving her the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at the many logistics that went into producing the Nutanix .NEXT® user conference. During her internship, she honed her skills and seized opportunities to work across the company, building a strong reputation for herself beyond her immediate team. After completing her internship and graduating from San Jose State University, Sabrina took on a contract events role at Nutanix before accepting a full-time customer marketing position. We spoke with Sabrina to get her perspective on Nutanix customers, the exciting and challenging parts of her work, and what brings her joy in her free time. Here’s our conversation. What does customer marketing do? Our mission in customer marketing is to infuse the voice of our customers in all we do. Customer marketing oversees customer references and customer engagement programs. We use customer storytelling to spotlight the work that our customers do as they modernize their IT infrastructure with Nutanix solutions. Beyond that, we’re about strengthening customer relationships and building communities for people who are passionate about technology. What are some projects you work on? My main focus is our .NEXT conference. I identify customers to highlight throughout our conference program. This includes guest speakers on the mainstage and technical breakout sessions. Additionally, we host a customer awards program to evangelize and recognize the work our customers are doing to drive digital and technological transformation at their companies. Off stage, our customers are also speaking with the media and analysts. One of my favorite parts of .NEXT is the experiential component where we find creative ways to weave our customers and their brands into the event. For example, at .NEXT Copenhagen, we hosted an evening party where we featured customer Lindt and served their chocolates fondue style. Another activation we set up was my “Best Day Ever” storyboard in the expo hall to showcase customer brands like Belkin, WD-40, Nandos, and Stella Artois. Pre-pandemic, most of my work centered around an in-person conference. When the pandemic struck, we moved to hosting .NEXT virtually. This meant we needed to think through how to optimally share our customer stories that would captivate attendees the same way in person events did. There are a lot of possibilities with remote recording software nowadays!  Tell us about the Nutanix customers. What stands out? Our customers are passionate, loyal, and supportive! They love our technology and go above and beyond to champion it. They’ll take part in all kinds of reference engagements. Many join our engagement programs like our User Groups, the Xtribe advocacy program, and the Technology Champion group—none of which they have to do, but choose to do.  A recurring theme that I hear from customers is how much they value our support experience. Our support team is accessible and deeply knowledgeable about Nutanix products and other technologies in our ecosystem. This directly impacts the 20,000+ customers we work with and Nutanix as an organization continues to have a 7-year average NPS of 90. What is the best part of your job? What is most challenging? The most gratifying part of my work is hearing success stories and getting the chance to share them. The biggest challenge is being patient—many factors go into customer stories, like establishing trust, building customer readiness, and getting the necessary approvals from their communication and compliance teams.  What do you enjoy outside of work?  I love concerts and live music. I am a big Drake and Beyoncé fan and have seen them both perform twice. What Beyoncé did at Coachella was unheard of.  I also go to Orangetheory Fitness a few times a week for exercise. I call it “Orange Therapy” because it helps me relieve stress and get my mind off of things.