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News (16)

  • Recruitment

    From Cologne to New York: Chantal’s Office Rotation Story

    From Cologne to New York: Chantal’s Office Rotation Story Senior Manager Chantal Kuepper normally works in our Cologne office but is currently taking part in our rotation program in New York! Find out what a typical day in the Big Apple is like for her. 8:00 a.m.: To get to work, I take the metro from my apartment in Midtown Manhattan, taking in the unique early-morning view of the usually buzzing Times Square. 9:00 a.m.: Work starts around 9:00 a.m. Our office is beautifully located in the Financial District, next to Battery Park. To start my day, I drink a much-needed morning coffee while I catch up with colleagues, admiring the awesome view of the Statue of Liberty. 12:30 p.m.: It’s lunch time! There are plenty of food options near the office and I try to explore as many as I can during my time here. Especially the different food courts and food trucks in New York are amazing and offer a wide range of meals at affordable prices. 3:00 p.m.: Today was National Ice Cream Day and we had a New York Ice Cream manufacturer drop by our office to let us try their top flavors – delicious! 7:00 p.m.: In the evening, I often meet with colleagues for after-work-drinks at one of the many rooftop bars. We enjoy the view over Manhattan and wonder whether it’ll ever get old. Our conclusion: Definitely not.

  • Company life

    From Boston to Cologne: Bea’s Office Rotation Story

    From Boston to Cologne: Bea’s Office Rotation Story Global Social Media Specialist, Bea Doblas, loves traveling and working in multi-cultural environments. So, it’s not surprising that when she heard about our office rotation program, she jumped at the opportunity. Now, freshly returned to Boston, we asked Bea what a typical day for her was like during her five months in our Cologne office in Germany. 8:30 a.m.: I had a lovely commute in Cologne. I would walk along Volksgarten, a beautiful park, to the office by the Rhine River. 9:00 a.m.: After two years of Zoom calls, it was amazing to finally collaborate with my Cologne colleagues in person. I would catch up with them in the mornings and make the most of being together by having face to face meetings. I especially liked the view from my desk – try and spot the Cologne Cathedral in the distance! 12:30 p.m.: Lunchtime was always fun, as we would go together to buy food near the office. A team favorite was a middle eastern restaurant. If the weather was nice, we would have lunch on the beautiful rooftop and take in the views. 3:00 p.m.: For me, one of the best afternoons was when my colleague Ewgenij brought in ice-cream for everyone as it was his birthday. We treated him by singing happy birthday in multiple languages! 7:00 p.m.: After work, I organized a Spanish dinner – we went for tapas near the office. We laughed a lot and reminisced about the World Meeting in Madrid! My rotation to Cologne has been very special. I’m very grateful to Simon-Kucher for giving me this opportunity to work abroad. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone, seen old friends, made new friends, and have grown both personally and professionally. Now I can’t wait to see my Cologne colleagues again at the World Meeting next year! Watch Bea’s Instagram reel to see her rotation day in action! Stay tuned for more colleagues’ rotation stories. Learn more about our international working opportunities here.

  • Company life

    Simon-Kucher World Meeting Madrid 2022

    Recently we were in Madrid for our annual World Meeting! Watch our video to see how we connected and celebrated our growth as a team.

  • Company life

    ESG Case Study: Simon-Kucher Fights Food Waste

    ESG Case Study: Simon-Kucher Fights Food Waste Having supported startups in Africa, Germany, and Mexico, our consultants focused their pro bono activities on a food retailer in France that is overturning the industry. What is Nous Anti-Gaspi? Nous Anti-Gaspi is a food retailer dedicated to reducing food waste. Since their launch in 2018, they have opened about 20 grocery stores in France, selling products that don’t meet retailer standards. For example, products that are visually imperfect, have packaging defects, short expiry dates, and so on. While their aim is clearly environmental, they also have a social mission: To provide quality products to all consumers by offering more affordable prices than traditional supermarkets To purchase unsold products from local producers at a price that covers their costs How did Simon-Kucher help? By analyzing their transaction data, we were able to uncover actionable business insights for them to adopt We proposed a new pricing approach in order to optimize profitability without harming the brand's Price Image This new approach takes into account specific consumer behavior patterns to guarantee product accessibility while improving margins "I really enjoyed building tomorrow’s pricing model with Nous Anti-Gaspi. This project proves that there are innovative business models where everyone wins: producers, retailers, consumers, and, most importantly, the planet!" - Yassine El Hachami, Senior Consultant, Simon-Kucher & Partners Will Simon-Kucher work on similar projects in the future? From social to environmental pro bono projects, we are always looking for ways of making a positive impact. Stay tuned for more news on what are consultants are doing to lead the charge on uplifting communities and economies for the better.

  • Recruitment

    Consulting Internships: Philipp’s Experience in Bonn

    Senior Consultant Philipp Liedtke began his career at Simon-Kucher as an intern three years ago. We spoke to Philipp about the admissions process, his responsibilities, and what he learned from the experience. Hi Philipp, thanks for taking the time to talk to us about your internship at Simon-Kucher! Would you mind briefly introducing yourself? Sure, my name is Philipp, I’ve been at Simon-Kucher for nearly three years now. I started as an intern but now I’m a Senior Consultant in our Life Sciences division based in Bonn. How did you hear about the Simon-Kucher internship program, and what was the application process like? There was a recruitment event for students interested in consulting at Maastricht University, Netherlands, where I gained a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Human Decision Science. The workshop and subsequent conversations during dinner sparked my interest in the life sciences industry, which is why I made the decision to apply for an internship. I submitted my application in spring and started in October. The application process was pretty straight forward. First, I had to submit all the required documents, which included my high school diploma, Transcript of Records, and references. Then, I had to pass an online aptitude test and attend two interviews in Bonn.  What was the work schedule like? Were you given responsibilities early on? My internship was at the Bonn office and lasted two-and-a-half months, from October to mid-December. In that time, it wasn’t long before I was responsible for small workstreams on the two projects I was part of.  In addition, my colleagues would ask me to support them on occasional proposals and short project assignments. It was a valuable experience because it shed light on the many different types of projects that we do, and the kinds of skills and knowledge I would need to acquire and use. I especially enjoyed participating on an expert interview about the clinical value and commercial potential of launching a gene therapy. Were you able to take part in any social events with the office in that time? If so, which was your favorite? Before COVID the Bonn office regularly held get-togethers outside of work, called Stammtisch. Teams would go out to a restaurant together, which was amazing for me as an intern as it allowed me to get to know my colleagues in a casual setting. Despite on and off lockdowns still limiting us socially, we try to continue these get-togethers – a great example are the regular virtual pub quizzes we started hosting at the start of the pandemic. I also wasn’t the only intern, which was nice because I was able to speak to people who were facing the same challenges as me. We often had lunch, or went for drinks after work. One of my fondest memories was going to the Christmas market together near the end of the internship.   What advice would you have for future interns? The best advice I can give is not to waste this opportunity. Be as proactive as you can, support colleagues whenever you have the chance, learn as much as you can, and, most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Philipp, thank you so much for sharing your Simon-Kucher journey with us today! There is still time to apply for internships in our German offices. Click here for our job openings.

  • Company life

    Working from Home at Simon-Kucher: Virtual Onboarding

    Ever wonder what it’s like to join a company in the age of COVID-19? We caught up with some of our newest colleagues to find out what they thought about their virtual onboarding. “The people you meet at STEPS become your first family at Simon-Kucher” Part of my job is to support new joiners during our onboarding training program called STEPS (Strategic Training for Employee Professional Success). Pre-pandemic, colleagues would go to Bonn for their onboarding – now, it’s virtual. I had the pleasure of taking part in virtual STEPS myself, as I only joined Simon-Kucher in May 2021. The team has done an amazing job in helping newcomers connect. I had no trouble getting to know my colleagues, even though it was online. For example, I met some of my peers who also work in the Frankfurt office. Now, we go for lunch or coffee. It provided me with a great starting point. What surprised me most, though, was how much work goes into organizing such an event. Now that I’m part of the STEPS team, I can see that the biggest challenge we face is ensuring that participants bond socially. Technology is very helpful because it makes it possible for people to connect from all over the world. This means that we can get a wider variety of speakers, and still provide new employees with onboarding training and social events despite regional lockdowns. I’ve heard from previous sets of participants, that the people you meet during STEPS become your first family at Simon-Kucher. I’m sure that this connection is stronger with those who attended STEPS in Bonn, but I’m happy that I have an initial network with whom I’ve shared this onboarding experience. I look forward to recognizing familiar faces, and catching up on their news in future face-to-face meetings. Eszter Kulcsar, Senior Coordinator in People Development, Frankfurt “I’m happy to be part of such a diverse and well-connected team” I didn’t expect virtual STEPS to be so fun! There were many opportunities for us to get to know each other better, especially through games. My favorite was one where we had to race to guess song titles and artists, or characters from TV series. My team performed well on that quiz – maybe that’s why it was my favorite. There was also another event called Online Office Games, which was led by an external company. We had to work in teams throughout, which helped me bond with the group. In general, the fact that we are working remotely didn’t make the onboarding process as difficult as I had expected. I was impressed by how easily we can cooperate and communicate with each other, even though we’re from all over the world. I’m happy to be part of such a diverse and well-connected team. Sebastian Jacobs, Senior Coordinator in Global HR, Cologne “It’s nice to know that I’m part of something bigger than myself” It was good to learn more about Simon-Kucher’s values, and what they mean from a practical standpoint. I still remember the handy acronym they taught us, iRemit, which stands for integrity, respect, entrepreneurship, meritocracy, impact, and team. I could see the “team” aspect clearly during STEPS. We had people of all ages from all around the world, with different kinds of backgrounds, work experience and personal interests. And yet, somehow, we have come together under the roof of this company. It’s nice to know that I’m part of something bigger than myself. It was also good to get a break from work and meet new people. I was surprised by how talented some of my colleagues are! As part of the STEPS competition, we had to recreate Picasso’s Child with a Dove on the Zoom whiteboard function. One of the teams created such a masterpiece, that I think they should try selling it as a NFT (a non-fungible token).   Kaan Unutmazlar, Consultant, Istanbul

  • Other

    5 Key Success Factors for Monetizing Digital Diagnostic Solutions

    Digital diagnostics (Dx) solutions are on the rise: Key industry players are increasingly accepting them and many solutions are currently under development. But one challenge often remains: Monetizing these digital Dx solutions to their full potential. We identified five key challenges as well as their solutions to ensure the successful monetization of your digital diagnostics solution.

  • Other

    Wachstum im Wertpapierhandel – so profitieren auch Banken

    Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat Bewegung in den Wertpapierhandel gebracht. Bisher freuen sich vor allem Online-Broker über ein wachsendes Geschäft. Doch auch Filialbanken können von der Investitionsfreude der Kunden profitieren – wenn sie vier zentrale Erfolgsfaktoren berücksichtigen.