HomeThe GenZ LabData-driven recruiting: How data and digital tools optimise your recruiting process

Data-driven recruiting: How data and digital tools optimise your recruiting process

  • Thursday, June 16, 2022
  • Laura Rottier

The application process and profiles in professional networks generate a lot of data that can tell you a lot about potential applicants. However, most of this data remains untapped.

The application process and profiles in professional networks generate a lot of data that can tell you a lot about potential applicants. However, most of this data remains untapped.

More than 80% of employees are passive applicants. Companies only have a chance of recruiting them over if they are proactive in their approach to potential applicants. This is especially true for Gen Z. They feel insecure and disoriented by the pandemic. A high proportion of them no longer has a clear career path in mind at all. In addition, between those same years young professionals seem to embrace a heightened atmosphere of departure, a willingness to embark on a new job opportunity. Data-driven recruiting can help you to identify which of these people constitutes the best fit for your company and your vacancy.

What is data-driven recruiting?

Data-driven recruiting means that you make your hiring decisions based on tangible facts and statistics. This is true of the selection of applicants and to the drafting of recruitment plans. 

The advantages of data-driven recruiting 

Recruitment teams that are data-driven are more likely to be able to fill vacancies quickly, cost-effectively and accurately. Beyond that, however, data-driven recruiting has even more advantages to offer:

  • Precision-fit recruiting: The youngest generation of employees attaches particular importance to finding a company that suits them. The human component is their primary consideration. Use self-learning software solutions to analyse existing data and gain valuable insights about your applicants.
  • Fast processing of large amounts of data: Modern technologies make it possible to process large amounts of data quickly. Recruiting can also benefit from this in relation to personnel decisions. Data evaluation with intelligent tools makes the processing of data in the recruiting process more accurate, more efficient and, above all, faster.
  • In the right place at the right time: Even more than Millennials, Gen Z is familiar with digital platforms and mobile devices. You can use this affinity for things digital to advantage by providing information about your company on those same channels where your target group is already spending its time: social and professional networks as well as the universities.

You are not on your own: Data-driven recruiting with Shortlist

In the War for Talent, recruiting at universities is no longer simply an option - it is a necessity for any company seeking to recruit the best of students and recent graduates. That is because university recruiting enables you to place your employer brand in an environment in which the younger generation has confidence, and to establish loyalty at an early stage through student placements, internships or with final-year theses. Our data-based Hiring Assistant Shortlist can help you do just that - recruiting suitable students and recent graduates directly from universities.

How does the tool work?

Based on defined criteria and search terms, profiles of applicants from the JobTeaser talent pool, comprising more than 4 million students and young graduates, are automatically compared and prioritised. You will then receive feedback about your potential applicants within 72 hours. If the outcome is positive, you automatically receive access to the CVs of those students and recent graduates.

Simple, fast and efficient - start now!

Four reasons why you should use Shortlist: 

1. Very simple to use With this intuitive tool, you can reach suitable applicants in just a few clicks.

2. Fast processes Guaranteed response in just 72 hours.

3. Tailored for Gen Z Approach potential applicants in their familiar daily environment.

4. Applicants even during a very quiet period You can attract suitable applicants - even for vacancies that almost or quite literally no-one has applied for.

Case study Here is how HR experts use Personio Shortlist for university recruiting

As an HR software company, Personio offers support, extending from applicant management to payroll accounting. You yourself are always on the lookout for new junior sales hires: since 2018, the number of employees at Personio has increased tenfold. 

The challenge There is a lack of capacity when it comes to finding suitable students and recent graduates. There are around 400 universities in Germany. Recruiters wishing to become active in them need to establish contact with all their career services and to establish relationships with them. That is a very laborious and time-consuming process. In addition, most universities rely on internal, self-developed job boards for their career portals. Advertising jobs here therefore involves spending a great deal of extra time and it also entails having to work through lots of applications from unsuitable candidates.

The solution The digital tools of JobTeaser. In addition to its multi-posting tool, which enables users, with a single click, to publish job advertisements at over 750 universities across Europe, 140 of which are in the DACH region, Personio also uses Shortlist to approach students and recent graduates proactively.

The combination of these two tools facilitates a targeted approach to potential applicants at an early stage. Personio therefore makes recruiting easier and it saves valuable time. It also increases the likelihood of retaining young professionals on a long-term basis. Since early 2021, simply using Shortlist on JobTeaser, Personio has contacted 200 students and recent graduates and has managed to recruit six people who constitute  a perfect fit with the vacancy and the company culture. Thanks to the algorithm, unsuitable applications are now a rarity.

In conclusion, Transform recruiting now to benefit in the future

Your recruiting teams may be used to making decisions based on intuition, but they will find an even stronger ally in data. Data can help you see what did and did not work in previous recruitment processes and improve your future hiring decisions. This will enable you to recruit the very best of students and recent graduates in the War for Talent.

Discover the shortlist now!