HomeThe GenZ LabHow to adapt recruitment methods for online hiring

How to adapt recruitment methods for online hiring

  • Saturday, April 29, 2023
  • Daniella Lindskog

One of the challenges that companies now face is the ongoing shift from traditional recruitment practices to virtual recruitment. This involves re-evaluating and adjusting your recruitment processes to suit the virtual space.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant change in the way most of our partner companies recruit. As a result of the increased reliance on virtual recruitment practices during the pandemic, new trends and practices have emerged. As the job market continues to evolve, it has become increasingly clear that online recruitment is here to stay.  In this article we explore the changes in online recruitment practices and how they can help you  to attract top talent in the post-pandemic world.

One of the challenges that companies now face is the ongoing shift from traditional recruitment practices to virtual recruitment. This involves re-evaluating and adjusting your recruitment processes to suit the virtual space. In this article, we will discuss the steps that you can take to make this transition, including the use of technology, developing virtual interview techniques, and providing a positive candidate experience.

Is it Possible to Recruit Entirely Online?

Yes, it is possible to conduct a successful recruitment process entirely online, but it requires careful planning and organisation.

In today's job market, many companies have adopted a fully virtual recruitment process, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach has proven particularly popular among tech companies, which have been able to leverage the benefits of virtual recruitment to hire top talent from across the globe. However, to ensure success, it's crucial to have stringent methods in place that provide you with the necessary security in your choices and offer candidates a positive experience.

The key to achieving this is to leverage the right digital tools, implement clear methods to support candidates throughout the recruitment process, and establish well-coordinated internal teams. By doing so, you can effectively manage the entire recruitment process online, from candidate sourcing and initial screening to virtual interviews and onboarding.

Overall, with the right approach, a fully virtual recruitment process can be just as successful as traditional in-person recruitment, and can offer significant benefits in terms of cost savings and a wider candidate pool beyond geographic limitations.

What are some useful tools and software that can streamline the online recruitment process?

Online recruitment needs careful coordination, both with internal teams and candidates. This is particularly important if your processes are complex, such as involving technical tests. There are a number of tools that you can use to help you get your online recruitment. 

Video conferencing tools: it's important to have a reliable video conferencing tool to conduct interviews seamlessly. Some of the popular video conferencing tools include Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangouts Meet. You should choose a system with good connection and strong sound and image quality. It's essential to teach your recruiters to maintain concentration. A quiet, calm location for the video call can help with focus and engagement. 

  1. Internal communication tools: Internal communication tools such as messenger apps or Application Tracking Systems (ATS) can centralise communication and keep everything running smoothly. These systems ensure that all documents are accessible and shareable across teams, from scorecards to email templates.
  2. Candidate assessment tools: For complex recruitment processes involving technical tests, candidate assessment tools such as HackerRank, Codility, and TestDome can be beneficial. These tools offer pre-built tests or the ability to create customised tests to assess the technical skills of candidates accurately.
  3. Onboarding software: Onboarding software can help your new hires get up to speed quickly by providing access to necessary information, training materials, and tools. 

By leveraging these systems, you can streamline your online recruitment process and make it more efficient, resulting in a positive candidate experience and better hiring decisions.

How to Prepare Candidates for a Successful Online Interview Experience? 

Preparing candidates for a successful online interview is crucial for a positive candidate experience. Engaging and supporting candidates as they prepare their application is key to any successful recruitment campaign, but this can be challenging when you cannot meet them in person.

To effectively assess the candidate's technical and interpersonal skills, prepare specific questions before each meeting, just as you would in person. Use an ATS to centralise all metrics and questions, or if you don't have one, create and share a scorecard for each job offer. This will ensure everyone agrees on the expectations for each recruitment.

Dedicated webinars, live video and chat sessions are great ways to share information on a mass scale. Online solutions such as JobTeaser's Visio Live and Messenger Live are excellent for hosting live events and interacting directly with candidates by answering their questions. By checking and validating questions prior to the live session, you can share information about your company and vacancies in a more interactive and personal way. This also allows you to answer questions you might not have thought of previously, ensuring that candidates are well-prepared for their interview.

How can you support your candidates through the process?

Supporting your candidates through the online recruitment process is crucial for a positive candidate experience. Virtual recruitment may still be somewhat uncomfortable to them, so communication beforehand to reassure them that the process will be similar to a face-to-face interview is essential. You may need to adapt your approach to each candidate's unique circumstances.

Three crucial steps to take: 

  • Explain the recruitment process in advance;
  • Outline interview expectations;
  • Provide required information, such as recruitment tools and log-in details. 

Following these steps will instil confidence that you're available to support your candidates and answer their questions throughout the recruitment life cycle.

It's also essential to ensure that candidates understand the daily culture of your company, from seminars to after-work activities. While this can be challenging to convey on a video call, sharing information through photos and videos about your company identity, values, and culture before and after an interview can help build a strong impression. A well-documented LinkedIn or JobTeaser page can help you express what makes your company unique and attract top talent.

Adapting to a Digital-First Approach for Successful Hiring

In today's evolving work environment, companies are increasingly leveraging online recruitment methods to attract top talent. Online recruitment events have become a key strategy for keeping recruitment processes moving, whether due to challenges posed by remote work or the need to reach a wider pool of candidates. Platforms like JobTeaser's Visio and Messenger Live sessions offer effective substitutes for in-person events, as they are interactive and can be promoted in the career centers of over 700 universities using the Push Event tool.

Embracing online recruitment methods can help you maintain a strong employer brand, attract top talent, and keep your recruitment processes efficient and effective. Assessments, interviews, and events can all be moved online with the right tools and resources. It's also an opportunity to review and optimise your recruitment processes for a post-pandemic world. Consider resources like the book "Who? The A Method for Hiring" to gain insights and refine your recruitment techniques.

Further JT resources

Using Live Video 

The Perfect Company Video

WhitePaper on 7 Most Popular Recruiting Tools

Data-Driven Recruitment Tools