Employer Branding and Gen Z: Be Irresistible to Young Talents.
- Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Nora Leon
A Gen Z-oriented employer brand? This is what HR professionals—and you, perhaps?—are trying to build, whether they work in a small business, startup, or large company. Discover our guide.

1. The essentials of a Gen Z-oriented employer brand
Indeed, according to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, Generation Z (those born between 1995 and 2010) will represent 27% of the workforce in OECD countries. Even more, by 2030, 75% of workers will be from the Y (born between 1980 and 1995) and Z (1995-2010) generations. In fact, 18-25-year-olds already represent a significant proportion of employees and will be the next generation, after millennials, to shape the world of work and its evolutions.
However, recent years have shown a turning point in the choices of young people at work. The search for meaning, impact, ecological commitment, or even work-life balance: these talents no longer want to work in just any company. In this regard, they do not necessarily accept an attractive salary at any price. Companies judged harmful to the environment and society are increasingly being criticized by young graduates. Organizations must therefore redouble their ingenuity to make their employer brand desirable in the eyes of Gen Z.
In the face of a volatile, demanding, and more engaged Gen Z than ever before, what are the levers of an effective employer brand? Immerse yourself in this guide to find out.
In program:
- Inclusion, ecology, salary ... The new expectations of Gen Z candidates
- Employer branding: how to offer the best employee experience?
- How to communicate effectively with Gen Z through a strong employer brand?
1.1. Impressions of young graduates about the ideal employer brand
In interviews and the workplace, the balance of power between employers and employees is shifting. Students, recent graduates, and junior employees now have expectations that companies they are targeting must meet. What are they? JobTeaser conducts meticulous HR monitoring throughout the year on topics related to employer branding and Gen Z. Let us enlighten you.
3 major typologies of young graduates
A recent survey by G16 and EDHEC has drawn three typologies of student and young graduate profiles of Generation Z at work. The finding is clear: the ambitions of young people are no longer as uniform as those of their parents.
- 38% of young people aged 18 to 25 say they are "committed": they are primarily interested in the world and want to address its challenges. They place the company's commitment, its values, and its mission at the center of their concerns.
- 35% see themselves more as "intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs". An intrapreneur is someone who innovates within a structure that employs them. An entrepreneur starts their own business. The young people of Generation Z who have this profile are motivated by challenges, business projects, freedom of action, and autonomy. Some of them even have a project to create or take over a business.
- Finally, 27% of young people are rather "competitive". They aspire to rapid career advancement, leadership positions, and an attractive salary.
These new profiles of young graduates and especially this distribution are leading HR departments to rethink the employer brand levers of companies. Let's look at this in more detail.
A strong employer brand is a committed employer brand
Generation Z is increasingly looking for meaning in their work. They want to feel like they are making a difference in the world, and they are willing to sacrifice salary and other benefits to find a job that aligns with their values.
Let's analyze the changes:
Strengthen your employer branding through our European network.
Environmental Commitment
David Graeber, in his book Bullshit Jobs, defined jobs that are useless or even harmful to society. These jobs in particular are being shunned by an increasingly large number of young graduates.
- 69% of 18-30-year-olds are willing to change jobs for an environmentally beneficial one.
- 65% of them would be willing to not apply for a job at a company that does not take environmental issues seriously.
- 60% of talents say they would consider taking a less secure job to have a job that is meaningful.
In fact, since 2022, young graduates at AgroParisTech, HEC, Polytechnique, and Sciences Po have been stirring up a storm of protest at graduation ceremonies and career fairs. They have spoken out in shocking speeches, challenging both the content of their education and the careers that were intended for them. The speech that made headlines was given on May 9, 2022, at AgroParisTech, where the rebels denounced "a training that generally pushes us to participate in the ongoing social and ecological ravages" and called for "switching paths" or "deserting" to focus on jobs and sectors that are meaningful. At other schools, such as HEC, Gen Z has called for being the insiders who change the company from within. At Sciences Po, young people urged their peers to "wake up" and "radically change the political, economic, and cultural system." They reminded them that their education must also adapt, or they risk contributing to the problem themselves.
In addition, a wave of activism among young graduates and junior employees in companies has been brewing for several years. As early as 2018, a graduate of Centrale Nantes declared in his speech that he did not "recognize himself in the promise of a life as a senior executive, an essential cog in a capitalist system of overconsumption." In the wake of this, a manifesto "For an Ecological Awakening" was launched and signed by more than 30,000 students from top schools, expressing their determination to choose jobs that are useful to society and beneficial to the environment. "A decade ago, the vast majority of our graduates went to work for large industrial groups, but today 75% of them opt for much smaller structures (SMEs or TPIs). This is mainly because they find it easier to find alignment with their values there," concluded the director of Centrale Nantes, Jean-Baptiste Avrillier.
Article to read : 5 Social Causes for Gen Z in 2023
Here are some specific tips for employers:
- Highlight your company's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility on your website, social media, and other marketing materials.
- Offer opportunities for employees to volunteer or give back to their communities.
- Create a culture that values diversity and inclusion.
- Provide employees with the resources and support they need to be successful in their careers.
In response to this trend, universities and schools are rethinking their educational programs and even sometimes giving up certain funding. For example, in 2022, the University of Cambridge announced that it would be holding a consultation, at the request of its faculty, to decide whether it would accept future funding from the fossil fuel extraction industries. Even more advanced on this issue, the prestigious Princeton University in the United States gave up 90 fundings from companies involved in fossil fuels in 2022.
At the 2023 Career Guidance Summit, we received Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi, director of ESSEC. In an introductory conference, he gave an update on the green and social turn of this business school, of which he has been the dean and director since 2017. According to him, "the ecological transition of a school cannot be achieved without intense attention to its social impact. That is why we have chosen to work simultaneously on inclusion, diversity, and a profound modification of ESSEC's programs, towards better training on the environmental issues of our students."
[To read: Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Anxiety]
Social commitment
"There will be no ecological transition without social justice." This phrase has become the motto of many young people, who want to address social issues at the same time as environmental issues. This explains why the social and solidarity economy has never been better off: constant new projects and more candidates than jobs.
More and more Gen Z youth are getting involved in businesses that work for causes that are dear to them: gender equality, access to employment, guidance, fighting poverty in France and elsewhere, welcoming refugees, and including the homeless.
Esthel Cozzi, founder of Matrimoine Féministe and the Instagram account @Féministe_Stellou, has found her guiding star in promoting inspiring portraits of women. "Little girls will not be ambitious if they do not see their elders doing great things. When I was a teenager, a friend told me that no woman had made history. I didn't know what to say at the time, but I promised myself to highlight these forgotten women. Since then, I have published more than 150 portraits of incredible women all over the world. This project feeds me incredibly and the feedback from my community is unequivocal: it is useful."
Ruben Petri, co-founder of Commune, the first co-living for single-parent families, has taken on the issue of single parents. "Men and women combined, single parents assume most of the child-rearing responsibilities on their own. There is the mental, financial, sentimental, and emotional aspects, that make this situation more complicated because it was previously with another person and they could share the burden. Co-living allows for both shared childcare but also sharing equipment, reducing rents, and increasing interactions, which makes life easier and less expensive."
To read on our blog (in French) : comment privilégier la carrière des femmes en entreprise
1.2. The expectations of gen Z candidates
Gen Z prefer horizontal hierarchies
Another major change that companies need to adapt their employer branding efforts to, is that young people want to be managed differently from their parents.
Our study in partnership with Maki People from 2023 showed us that, with identical mission and remuneration, 52% of Gen Z youth choose one company over another thanks to a very good relationship with their future managers and colleagues.
The G16 x EDHEC Business school survey from 2023 also highlighted the following expectations for management:
- 27% of young people would rather lead a team by working in a network, without a hierarchical link
- they have high expectations of their manager, including transparency and honesty (73%), trust and autonomy (67%), protection and defense of the team (49%), and recognition of performance (48%). 80% of young people believe they benefit from this transparency and honesty in their company.
For Marguerite Gallant, General Director of HEC Alumni and member of the G16, "management has a role to play and the trust we give our manager becomes an essential point for fulfillment at work.
The importance of money
Do the expectations in terms of meaning and management mean that young people will accept low salaries? Not necessarily!
- According to our employment barometer (2023), salary is the first criterion for young graduates when choosing an offer.
- With identical missions and remuneration, 47% of young people would choose a company thanks to an additional effort on the part of the employer on salary and benefits, as shown by our study in partnership with Maki People.
- The same study showed that 70% of 18-25-year-olds have already withdrawn their application during the recruitment process (even though the recruiter responded to them) because they lacked information on salary and benefits.
We therefore see that in a context of inflation and economic uncertainty, the mention of salary is more important than ever as a piece of information on job boards.
Read about the importance of salary for Gen Z in our 2023 career study
Gen Z wants to learn and grow
Another predominant expectation of Gen Z is to learn throughout their professional life. This can take various forms:
- Upskilling in a current role
- Lateral movement into a new role
- Taking on responsibilities as a manager or facilitator of a team of freelancers
Recent surveys of young graduates have shown that the old, traditional path of climbing the corporate ladder and becoming a manager is no longer always the norm. Other learning paths are possible, as long as young people feel intellectually stimulated and see professional challenges.
- With identical missions and remuneration, 40% of young people would rather choose a company with rapid career development opportunities (JobTeaser study in partnership with Maki People, 2023).
- A 2023 survey by LinkedIn found that 73% of Gen Z respondents in EMEA are interested in changing careers at least once in their lifetime.
- A 2022 study by EY found that 68% of Gen Z respondents in EMEA are open to learning new skills and changing careers to pursue their passions.
- A 2021 study by Deloitte found that 59% of Gen Z respondents in EMEA are interested in pursuing multiple careers throughout their lifetime.
It is up to employers to reflect the possibility of continuous learning and changing paths within the company in their employer brand expression.
Now we have seen that the expectations of young people have evolved. So, what can employers do to meet them and offer the best possible candidate and employee experience?
2. Employer branding: how to propose the best employee offer?
In the face of the expectations of Generation Z on the commitments of brands and what they can offer them in terms of the employee experience, what milestones can brands set?
2.1. Offer flexibility at work
One first element is to introduce flexibility in the ways of working. 77% of young people aged 18 to 25 attach importance to the possibility of working from wherever they want. Companies are therefore increasingly offering:
- Partial or unlimited telecommuting
- More flexible hours. The possibility of working on your chosen hours as long as the results are achieved appeals to young people as well as parents
- The 4-day week
In parallel with this movement towards other places of work, some companies are reducing the size of their offices. In this case, they often implement flex office, which means not having a dedicated desk in an open space.
As for telecommuting, the ideal is to properly arrange the workspace.
First, provide the right equipment:
- Choose spacious offices
- Invest in ergonomic chairs
- Offer a computer screen, mouse, keyboard, office supplies, etc.
Then, make sure to adapt the environment:
- Install individual or collective call booths to preserve the calm of the open space
- And secure lockers to deposit valuables
Create meeting spaces:
- Provide enough meeting rooms
- Equip them with Hi-Fi equipment suitable for remote meetings and easy to use (with instructions)
- Multiply the areas of conviviality: coffee machines, sofas, etc.
On this subject, the foosball table in start-ups is often criticized, but if it is not the only advantage, it is useful!
And finally, define the rules of the game:
- Create a framework for telecommuting specifically: common working hours, places to exercise telecommuting, right to disconnect, etc.
- Establish a documentation tool: adopt a documentation tool, structure the team spaces, and write clear minutes to disseminate information to colleagues.
Here are the main things to keep in mind about the 4-day week:
- Make sure that the 5-day workload does not end up on 4
- Educate teams about the right to disconnect
- Make sure managers are exemplary on this last point
- Do not cut the salary by 20%
Increase the visibility of your brand among 800 universities and schools in Europe
Here are some tips on how to increase the visibility of your brand among 800 universities and schools in Europe:
2.2. Aligning the CSR strategy with the company's mission
In many schools such as HEC, Gen Z wants to join companies to change their mission and practices from the inside. "HEC opens up many doors for us. It is our responsibility to use these open doors to change the rules," while knowing "to say no to a bank that offers a crazy salary, but whose projects go against our convictions," said a student.
On May 23, 2023, students from Jouy en Josas organized the Festival du Greenwashing on the occasion of the school's Climates Days. Aude Viala gave a speech to inveigh against students and alumni: "To Alumni: dare to look at the IPCC reports and ask yourself about your real contribution today. [...] Students and students [...] dare to question the future cog that we want you to be. Because we deserve so much better than to work for those who are working to compromise our future."
So, how do you proceed?
The management team and employees can work on aligning the company's raison d'être and its environmental commitment.
To do this, already perform an audit:
- Is there a CSR / sustainable development report?
- Where can it be consulted?
- Has a carbon footprint been done? Once? Periodically?
- Has a carbon accounting system been deployed?
- Also, obtain environmental standards or communicate on those already obtained.
Then, go further by reflecting on the core business of the company:
- Does it have a positive impact on the environment? Neutral? Negative?
- Is the business model, service or product sustainable?
We can ask ourselves the question of the existence of some polluting companies in a world in climate contraction.
💡 To go further on these topics, discover the course "Initiate yourself to the ecological transition" on our partner OpenClassrooms.
2.3. Working on inclusivity and diversity
Gen Z across EMEA is increasingly paying attention to brands that create inclusive environments. This trend, which originated in the United States, has gained ground in recent years across the region.
Here are some topics you can work on to improve diversity and inclusion in EMEA:
- Gender equality in the broad sense: gender equality, inclusion of non-binary and LGBTQ+ people, and recognition of minority groups such as Roma and Travellers.
- Establishing an equitable and transparent salary scale, taking into account regional differences in cost of living and salary expectations.
- Inclusion of diverse and varied profiles with disabilities, including those with mental health conditions.
- Creating a multicultural context where international talents can feel comfortable, regardless of their cultural background or religion.
- Equitable initiatives for parents, including paternity leave and flexible working arrangements.
- Support for employees who experience miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation.
- Providing menstrual products in the office and lactation rooms for nursing mothers.
- Subscribing to a health insurance plan that covers specialized issues relevant to EMEA employees, such as cancer treatment, mental health care, and fertility treatment.
Specifically, here are some initiatives that companies can implement to be more inclusive:
- Offer language training and support to international employees.
- Provide training on cultural awareness and sensitivity.
- Celebrate diversity and inclusion through company events and initiatives.
- Partner with local organizations that support minority groups.
- Conduct regular employee surveys to assess the level of inclusivity in the workplace.
2.4 Onboarding and Offboarding: Gen Z Expects a Flawless Candidate Experience from a Consistent Employer Brand
Young graduates in Europe are becoming increasingly demanding of companies, which now need to be flawless in all their interactions with them, even before they arrive. The recruitment process is therefore key.
Did you know that 83% of candidates share their negative recruitment experience with their friends and family, and that 79% of talent believe that the recruitment experience is indicative of how companies treat their employees? A HR misstep can therefore permanently damage an employer brand… In fact, 62% of young candidates who had a negative recruitment experience had a negative perception of the company (81% for business school graduates) (JobTeaser study in partnership with Maki People, 2023).
So what are the ingredients for an excellent candidate experience during the recruitment process?
Gen Z's urge for transparency
Young graduates want to know what they are getting into.
- 72% want the job posting to explicitly state the stages of the recruitment process
- 78% of candidates would like to receive a personalized response from the company in case of rejection. (JobTeaser x Maki People study, 2023)
They also want to see certain elements clearly stated, such as the salary range, the benefits of the position, and the company's mission. Additionally, many of them stop interviewing if they feel a disconnect between the content of the job posting and the discourse of the people they meet during the interview (21%).**
The appeal of flexible and fast HR processes
Born in the digital age, Gen Z students and graduates want fast application processes. The mention in the job posting of a short time between the application and the final company response is strongly appreciated, as is the ability to apply with one click (by entering your LinkedIn profile, for example).
- 74% prefer processes with few interviews or stages.
- 74% are in favor of simplified applications.
- 54% of them want to be able to have remote interviews, which are more practical and flexible.
Overall, Gen Z rejects long and tedious assessment methods (case studies). Yet, one CAC 40 company out of two still requires the creation of an online account to apply for one of its job postings, which significantly lengthens the time it takes to submit an application.
The numbers don't lie: 70% of 18-25-year-olds surveyed in our study conducted in partnership with Maki People in March 2023 have already withdrawn their candidacy during the recruitment phase (even though the recruiter had responded to them), with 28% of them citing the too long recruitment process as the main reason.
A pleasant employee experience until the end
A topic often overlooked by employers, offboarding, or the process of leaving, is also important to young people. The way a company separates from its talents says a lot about its values and the substance of its employer brand.
European young graduates therefore often survey their network to find out how leaving a given company went. They also pay attention to reviews on recruitment platforms, which provide good indications of the experience lived from start to finish.
- 70% of companies have not thought about their departure processes due to lack of time or budget (Workelo, 2023)
- 40% of employees would be open to rejoining a former company and 15% of employees have already rejoined a company where they had already worked (Source: A study by Kronos and Workplace Trends in the United States in 2015).
Flexibility, company mission, inclusion, and onboarding/offboarding are four angles for making the employee experience an employer brand asset.
Find out more on offboarding on our blog
3. Communicating effectively with Gen Z through a strong employer brand
Recruiters are facing a talent shortage. This is happening in technical or technological professions, such as engineer, accountant, software developer, designer, or product manager. Faced with these difficulties in finding Gen Z talent, you, recruiters, can work on your employer brand. In parallel, consider creating an effective employer brand content strategy to do inbound recruiting. Thanks to this, talents will come to you without you having to lift a finger.
No idea how to create a sustainable employer brand strategy? Proceed methodically, following these three simple steps ⤵️
Define your targets
To be effective in the messages sent by your employer brand, first know who you are addressing.
As the participants in our two-part webinar on the topic of brand values and employer branding have noted, your priority target is of course your employees. A corporate culture is first observed, built, and developed within the organization, and then radiates outwards.
On the audience of students and young graduates in particular (your interns, trainees, and juniors, who are a great pool of talent), ask yourself the following questions:
- Who are the young people I want to retain as a priority within the company?
- What are the most difficult profiles to source (profession, geographic area) and the most urgent needs, according to the teams?
- What are the topics that can interest students and young graduates?
As for the future talents of the company:
- What talents do you need in your recruitment plan?
- Which schools and universities will you target?
With all this in mind, then establish a list of priorities, both for internal actions related to the employer brand and for initiatives to prospect young talents, directly after graduation or even during the course of the Gen Z that you want to contact and convince.
Build a competent team with our recruitment and hiring solutions
Survey the expectations of Gen Z
The second step and no less important, survey the topics that will interest these young people.
- What type of content do they consume?
- What topics capture their attention?
- Which influencers in your sector do they follow willingly?
As we saw above, some topics related to the employer brand are popular. This is the case of environmental and social expectations, positive announcements about salary and benefits, or horizontal management practices and flexibility at work. So don't hesitate to take them up.
Create playful and creative content
In a sea of solicitations, few employer brand content will catch the attention of the young Gen Z people you are trying to convince to join you... No more than they will touch your employees, who have little time to follow the brand content you broadcast.
However, the content, if it is of quality, can make employees proud and make young talents very eager to join you: it is up to you to go off the beaten track and become viral or unforgettable.
Here are some ideas for original employer brand content, which will know how to make your teams proud and make young profiles want to join you:
- A no-filter podcast where satisfied employees speak out
- Job offers in the form of a QR code "to take away" like a burger
- Stories on Instagram or TikTok to show the behind-the-scenes of the company
- "Job" videos with the humorous codes of YouTube
- A virtual tour of the premises
- An employee advocacy campaign with the hashtag #WorkingAt(Company name) on social media, where employees post photos of their workplace, in the office, or remotely
- A comic strip about the benefits or commitments of the company
- Insta reels or Snapchat videos made by ambassadors of the company on topics dear to young people: inclusion, diversity, environment, positive social impact...
- A video (Behind The Curtains, The Big Talk or We Need You) produced by the JobTeaser video team
You see? There is no shortage of ideas to make your company's employer brand express itself in a memorable and attractive way.
Identify the best channels to reach gen Z
Generation Z is not evenly present on all social media. Here are the figures from our memo on the channels to contact Generation Z (2023).
- Instagram is used by 84% of 18-25 year olds. It is the network where 19.5% of Generation Z says it is most active.
- TikTok is used by 52% of 18-25 year olds. It is the network where 24.5% of Generation Z says it is most active.
- Snapchat is used by 76% of 18-25 year olds. It is the network where 15.5% of Generation Z says it is most active.
- Twitter is used by 40% of 18-25 year olds. It is the network where 19.1% of Generation Z says it is most active.
Where millennials were very present on Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp, the younger generation is focusing on platforms with short videos, as well as Netflix or Spotify.
54% prefer short content and 61% say they cannot live without listening to music several times a day. Sponsorships on music streaming platforms or podcasts are therefore an excellent way to reach them.
Finally, with 150 unlocks on 1 mobile phone per day, using your smartphone is a reflex. It is therefore better to create mobile-first content that displays well on it and will be quickly readable. Without this ergonomics, it is likely that the young people you target will quickly turn away from your employer branding messages.
Use the best formats to reach them
- Snack content video
This is the most popular format. By the way, JobTeaser can produce this content for you!
- Through influencer channels
Influencers have the trust of Generation Z and they arouse admiration.
- Thanks to collabs
The Gucci x The North Face or Vuitton x Supreme collaborations were a hit. Inspired by features in rap, these operations are often commercial successes.
- Avec un ton conversationnel
Generation Z exchanges directly on social media with brands. Keep your PMs open and take care of your content! JobTeaser adopts this conversational content in the Behind The Curtains format.
- On and off line
88% of Generation Z customers say they want brand experiences to be both on digital and physical channels.
Invest in the human factor
Our study in partnership with Maki. People from 2023 clearly showed that young people have much more confidence in real and certified testimonials than in the direct words of a brand, which they judge to be biased.
- For 28% of 18-25-year-olds, consulting mixed or negative reviews on professional platforms (Glassdoor, LinkedIn, etc.) is a barrier to applying.
- On the contrary, the power of recommendations to apply for a job offer is undeniable. For these young people, word-of-mouth encourages them to apply (74%), as well as a positive evaluation on a certified site (70%).
- With the same mission and remuneration, 52% of young people will choose a company where they have had very good contact with their future managers and colleagues.
So, what are the best practices for promoting your employer brand through people?
- Highlight the management style you advocate on your career site: is it horizontal? What processes have you put in place? And have employees talk about these practices in videos or podcasts.
- Choose ambassadors within the company. These role models will be the image of the company and will make people want to experience the same thing as them.
- Carry out partnerships to talk about the company, culture, and commitments, particularly through influencers in the world of work.
- Have managers speak at events where young people are present. Especially events related to positive social and environmental impact, for example ChangeNow Summit.
- Participate in conferences or TED Talks to showcase internal expertise. Especially in technical jobs (developers, product managers, designers, etc.), this expertise will make people want to join you.
If there is only one thing to remember on this subject, the more your employer brand is embodied, the more it will radiate authentically, both internally and externally.
Create contact moments
In terms of communication, whether it's about employer branding or not, consistency is more important than quantity. It is therefore important to create appointments with your target audience. To do this:
- Editorialize the formats: name each series, and explain the pace and concept inside, to keep your audience loyal. For example, Happy at Work, the daily podcast on the subject of happiness at work.
- Agree on a realistic and appropriate schedule. For example, 2 10-minute podcasts per month, 2 Instagram reels per week, and one LinkedIn post daily. It is better to start small, even if you have to increase the pace than to be too ambitious and give up along the way.
- Create a schedule that you will share with stakeholders and stick to it!
Think about content distribution from the start
Employer branding content is only useful when it is seen, followed, and understood. So think about how, how often, the channel, and when you are going to share your messages.
- Be present where Gen Z is present
- Be regular
- Create effective content distribution loops: the same element can be shared by email, on multiple platforms, and internally, by adapting the messages a bit
- You can also re-broadcast content that is not obsolete several weeks or months after sharing it, with moderation and by changing its description.
Nature of content, channels to prioritize, cadence... You now have all the tips you need to communicate effectively with Gen Z and thus promote your employer brand.
Note that even though JobTeaser is an expert in Gen Z and has therefore focused its advice on this target, many of the elements are also relevant for millennials and boomers.En matière de communication, qu’on parle de marque employeur ou pas, la régularité compte plus que la quantité. C’est donc important de créer des rendez-vous avec votre audience cible. Pour cela :
In short
To create a strong employer brand that appeals to Gen Z:
Prioritize the essentials of a good employer brand.
- Work on your company's purpose and its environmental and social impact. Young graduates are particularly sensitive to issues of inclusion, diversity, and equity.
- Rethink management from the ground up. Young graduates are allergic to toxic bosses. They want to join “low jerks companies,” which are organizations that have cleaned up their act when it comes to authoritarian bosses.
- That being said, don't forget how important salary is to young graduates. It's still the name of the game when you're looking for a job and one of the reasons for having a job, regardless of generation.
- Finally, offer an attractive career development plan. Young people today want to learn throughout their lives and grow and develop their skills quickly.
To improve your employer brand, offer the best possible employee experience. This applies to all stages of the company's life.
- Offer a flexible work experience: flex office, telecommuting, unlimited vacation days, etc.
- Work on diversity and equity in recruitment and teams: pay equity, quotas by gender, etc.
- Align the CSR strategy with the company's mission: a brand that is committed from the inside out, and it shows on the outside.
- Onboarding, offboarding, and recruitment are top-notch. Remember to provide a personalized response in case of rejection, as Gen Z is sensitive to this. Ghosting candidates is harmful to your employer brand!
Finally, communicate effectively with Gen Z through a strong employer brand.
- Define your priority targets in terms of recruitment
- Survey their expectations in terms of employer brand
- Choose the right channels to talk to them
- Create appointments and take care of the dissemination of your messages.
You now have the essentials of a powerful and lasting employer brand. We hope that it will help you attract the best talents to your company.
JobTeaser is the preferred job board for employers and the preferred career service for European schools and universities. Whatever your recruitment needs, we can help you recruit and retain the best young talents.