Equipment engineer

If a metro breaks down, there’s a power cut or the air-conditioning isn’t working (again!), it’s the job of an equipment maintenance engineer to step in and resolve the problem, while carrying out regular checks to ensure things are working properly in the first place.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads258

Fun fact

On 14 August 2003, North America experienced its biggest ever energy catastrophe: a giant blackout shut down the north-eastern United States and parts of the Canadian province of Ontario. The outage only lasted a few hours, but the event is thought to have cost around $6 billion. And when night fell in New York, the authorities were overwhelmed with calls reporting a strange luminous cloud floating over the city... that was the night many New Yorkers discovered the Milky Way for the first time, usually invisible due to light pollution.


Hard skills

  • Engineering principles
  • Oversee maintenance work
  • Project management
  • Mathematics
  • Engineering processes
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Mechanics

Soft skills

  • Self-adjustment
  • Self-management
  • Logical reasoning

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