Health and safety inspector

Civil servants who work in all our interests, labour inspectors are an employee’s best friend. They ensure that companies are properly applying employment law as it stands, from working hours and conditions to redundancies and dismissals.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads17

Fun fact

In France, it wasn’t until 1841 that child labour was officially outlawed... for those under 8 years old. Victor Hugo famously denounced child exploitation by introducing the Cosette character in Les Misérables. Things have certainly come a long way, but child labour is still an important topic even to this day! A law was even introduced in 2020 to regulate the work of child YouTube stars and influencers.


Hard skills

  • Audit techniques
  • Government policy implementation
  • Management skills
  • Public health
  • Editorial standards
  • Employment law
  • Ensuring compliance with legislation
  • Check methods

Soft skills

  • Active problem identification
  • Oral expression
  • Evaluation

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