
What would happen if you forgot to get your deeds of sale, your will, or some other important document notarised by a professional? Well, it would be worth nothing. Nada. Zilch. You’d probably need to shred it and start all over again. As public officials, notaries play a key role with life’s important paperwork.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ad1

Fun fact

According to French law, animals don’t have a legal status. So unfortunately, none of our furry friends over there will be able to inherit should their owners die before them – unlike in the United States, where Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s pet chimpanzee, was said to have inherited $2 million and an entire mansion to himself...


Hard skills

  • Procedural law
  • Revise legal documents
  • Civil law
  • Commercial law
  • Court procedures
  • Conveyancing
  • Employment law

Soft skills

  • Self-adjustment
  • Self-management
  • Formulation of opportunities

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1 job offers available

  • Gemkom Engineering & Machinery Filial

    Gemkom Engineering & Machinery Filial

    Mechanical Foreman

    Full time Position
    Boden, Sweden