Software developer

It’s often said that software will eventually take over the world, and from finance and transport to health, trade and social networking, computer programs are absolutely everywhere you look! And there’s a successful software engineer behind each one.

  • Starting salary (per month)-
  • Job ads1220

Fun fact

Do you know why there was never a Windows 9? Us neither. No doubt jumping to 10 made sense from a marketing point of view, signifying a clean break with a major new version. But another rumour circulated by a Microsoft engineer on Reddit is a little more intriguing. In the 90s, the majority of PCs ran on Windows 95 or 98, and quite a few applications used identical coding across both versions, i.e. if(version.StartsWith("Windows 9")) { … }, so literally, “when the version name begins with Windows 9...”. As such, if Windows 9 hadn’t been renamed Windows 10, the same behaviours could have been applied 20 years down the road, leading to all manner of fatal errors... Hello blue screen of death.


Hard skills

  • Engineering principles
  • continuous improvement philosophies
  • Project management
  • Web programming
  • Integrated development environment software
  • Industrial software
  • Software anomalies
  • Engineering processes

Soft skills

  • Human projection
  • Oral expression
  • Self-management

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