Graduate jobs in Norway

Right now we have 285 available NO graduate job positions from popular employers like Accenture Norway, Atlas Copco, Cargill, Citi & ConocoPhillips. The different graduate jobs are spread across many cities in Norway including Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim & Stord.

A graduate job refers to a full-time, entry-level position that requires the applicant to have a degree from a college, university or a business school in order to obtain the occupation. Often, applicants that are close to completing their academic qualifications will also be considered for these positions. Graduate listings are offered by companies of all shapes and sizes and form one of the most common and most sought after forms of employment today. See which job we currently have online in Norway.

Salary and benefits designate further fluctuating elements of graduate jobs and are once more determined by the individual employer or country of occupation. A salary refers to a fixed regular payment made by an employer to an employee, while benefits refer to indirect or non-financial compensations offered. Both the salary presented and the benefits received should be more competitive in a graduate position than a student job, graduate programme and/or an internship.

Tip: Get started on the application process for your graduate job by updating your CV and writing a cover letter that is tailored to the job description.

Opportunities for graduate jobs in Norway are many. The oil from the North Sea, and gas and petroleum fields are major cornerstones in the country’s economy. Other major industries are fishery, pulp, and paper, forestry, mining, manufacturing, and shipping. Among areas with recent growth, we can find IT and communications. The capital, Oslo is a major centre for maritime technology. The second biggest city, Bergen is an international centre for aquaculture, shipping, offshore petroleum industry, and subsea technology.

Norway is also represented in the Graduateland Network through our university partner, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Tip: Be aware that the requirements for job applications in Norway may be different from what you are used to. Check the points where you can adapt your CV, cover letter, and communication with employers to local standards.

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