Part-time jobs in Berlin

Currently, we have 65 part-time jobs available for students in Berlin. Apply today to get important work experience at companies such as ACNE, Yara International, Vodafone Group Services Ltd & SoundCloud and earn money while studying in Germany's capital!

part-time jobs are part-time, paid entry-level positions, for individuals undertaking a higher education degree. With a workweek spanning from 10-30 hours, these posts can be occupied for as long as one is a student. Part-time job positions are an attractive option for students that wish to improve their employability skills in connection to their academic profile. If you are studying in Berlin why not look for a part-time job to complement your studies?

Placed on the north-eastern part of Germany, Berlin is one of the most historic and recognised cities in the world, forming a great location to find part-time jobs. Due to its legacy and wide cultural spread, Berlin is often associated with its museums, architectural landmarks and artistic scene. However, it also one of the most important transportation hubs and dynamic economic regions in Europe, hosting employers like %employers%. Its main industries include IT, pharmaceuticals, biotech, electronics, engineering, and services. And with renowned business districts like West Kurfürstendamm, Alexanderplatz, and Potsdamer Platz, combined with a flexible and competitive work environment, Berlin forms an ideal place for students and graduates to find relevant part-time jobs and jumpstart their career.

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