Boehringer Ingelheim

Our eyes are to the future. Our optimism is unwavering. Life forward


Groot bedrijf


Geneeskunde / Farmaceutica / Gezondheid


Ingelheim am Rhein

Ontdek Boehringer Ingelheim

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We are a global, research-driven company, powered and inspired by the diversity of our people - hailing from over 170 countries, countless cultures and backgrounds. 

We believe in the collective power of all these individuals in the tireless pursuit of science and solutions that are accessible to ever more people and their animals. Because of them, we bring hope, opportunity, relief and joy to millions all over the globe. Together, we are building a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable tomorrow. 

Hoe is het om te werken bij hen?

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Boehringer Ingelheim – impressions from the company headquarters

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Boehringer Ingelheim: Our location Biberach

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The history of Boehringer Ingelheim in a "Stop Motion"-film.

  • Oprichtingsjaar


  • Gendergelijkheid



  • Internationale aanwezigheid

    170 landen

  • Gemiddelde leeftijd van medewerkers

    44 jaar

  • Waarden

    Respect • Trust • Empathy • Passion

Hun MVO-initiatieven

Al 3 acties voltooid 💚

  • More Health: For People & Animals

  • More Potential: For Communities & Our People

  • More Green: For Our Planet

Het Boehringer Ingelheim ecosysteem

Het moederbedrijf

Bedrijfsgroepen en merken