IMPACT Partners

1st European investment platform dedicated to impact investing


Klein -of middelgroot bedrijf


Banken / Financieel



Ontdek IMPACT Partners

Séminaire 2023

IMPACT Partners is the 1st European investment platform dedicated to impact investing. With more than 180 portfolio companies and €340M under management, we have proven that we could generate a double performance. We are engaged for Impact. So that every founder can have access to resources and have a chance to succeed in its impactful entrepreneurial project.

We support entrepreneurs in 3 ways:

  • Social : Companies with a social impact in care, learning and working.
  • Local : we help create new businesses and support existing one in getting viable
  • Green : we support mission-driven companies in the upcycling, recycling and organic food industry.

However, we go beyond investing. Our « Community team » brings together the whole ecosystem through events focusing on inclusive HR, impactful purchasing and entrepreneurship.

We believe we can transform capitalism into a driving force for a more inclusive society.

We have offices in Paris, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Barcelona, London and Milan.

Key data

  • Created on 2007
  • 340 millions under management
  • 180+ companies

Hoe is het om te werken bij hen?

Neem een duik in het bedrijf

  • Oprichtingsjaar


  • Gendergelijkheid



  • Internationale aanwezigheid

    6 landen

  • Gemiddelde leeftijd van medewerkers

    33 jaar

  • Waarden

    Entrepreneurship can impact society • Just transition must be social • Young at heart company

Hun MVO-initiatieven

Al 3 acties voltooid 💚

  • We recycle our waste via a company hiring unemployed people

  • We implement simple ways to limit our energy consumption

  • Your welcome package will include a warm sweater and a mug for your coffee breaks