ING Belgium

Empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.


Groot bedrijf


Banken / Financieel



Ontdek ING Belgium

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The ING Company

The Belgian banking activities are organised around two divisions: Retail Banking and Wholesale Banking. This structure guarantees optimum efficiency and rapid decision-making processes.
In its approach, ING Belgium strives to take maximum account of the specific needs of its customers. The financial services needs of a private individual or small business are totally different from those of a large multinational.


We have defined four simple commitments which, together, form the Customer Promise and form part of our strategy.


Banking should be neither complex nor time-consuming. Less is more. The products must be clear, the language accessible, the prices fair and the processes simple. This will save us time and money.


We strive to provide our services wherever our customers are. The bank must be accessible anywhere, at any time.


The best financial decisions are informed ones. Customers want relevant, up-to-date information at their fingertips. They need to be able to understand their choices and the short- and long-term repercussions of those choices.


In life, as in business, you have to keep moving forward. We will continue to look for new ways to improve, with new ideas, new solutions and new ways of doing things.

Hoe is het om te werken bij hen?

Neem een duik in het bedrijf

  • Oprichtingsjaar


  • Gendergelijkheid



  • Internationale aanwezigheid

    40 landen

  • Gemiddelde leeftijd van medewerkers

    45 jaar

  • Waarden

    We are honest • We are prudent • We are responsible

Hun MVO-initiatieven

Al 3 acties voltooid 💚

  • We focus on climate action. The fight against global warming is a top priority for ING.

  • We contribute to a financially healthy society.

  • We collaborate with others to build a strong community.