L'Oréal Groupe

Cosmetics & Innovation


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From intern to Project Management Officer at L'Oréal. Discover Noura Zid El Aieb's career path

From Intern to Project Management Officer at L'Oréal

Who are you? And where do you come from?

My name is Noura, I am PMO* Infrastructure in the IT* Europe teams. I am an engineer and I studied at ECE Paris.

*Project Management Officer *Information Technology

How did you join the Group?

I am very passionate about cosmetics! Joining L'Oréal was always a dream for me when I was younger. I had already applied once for an internship at l'Oréal in my 4th year but unfortunately it didn't work out. I tried again for my last year internship, and this time it was the right one! When I learned that I got the job, I was so happy! I was in the hallway at school and I screamed *literally*, I kept saying it to people and I still couldn't believe it...

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love the PMO position. My missions change every day. I never get bored because I have the opportunity to work with many different teams and people. And that gives a very human dimension to my job that I really appreciate.

What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal?

The team spirit and the kindness of the people. They are always there to explain if you don't understand, to share and discuss. It's really great.

Your missions in a few words?

I am in charge of the governance and the portfolio of the Infrastructure projects, but also of the budget and other transversal missions!

A lesson you learned at L'Oréal?

You have to go for it, don't be afraid to share your ideas to move things.

Any advice for future interns in your sector?

Be curious, ask questions! Don't be afraid to make mistakes, there is no stupid question!

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