Aalborg University

Learning seriously affects your brain


Forening / Offentlig institution / Laboratorium / Velgørenhed


Offentlig / uddannelse


Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9220 Aalborg Ø

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Aalborg University's 50th anniversary

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Aalborg University Celebrates 50 Years

On Monday, September 2, 1974, the first students walked through the doors of AUC - Aalborg University Centre. Alongside the university's first rector, the Swedish historian Jörgen Weibull, 277 teachers and researchers and 173 technical-administrative staff, along with nearly 2,000 students, were to create a daily life as a university in Northern Jutland.

Today, 50 years later, approximately 77,000 students have left Aalborg University with a degree in hand. Much has changed since 1974. "Centre" was removed in 1994, and AUC became AAU - Aalborg University. The number of students has more than septupled, as has the number of researchers, teachers, and technical-administrative staff in line with the increasing number of students.

Despite changes, many of AAU's core values remain the same as at the university's beginning in 1974. PBL, interdisciplinarity, and collaboration with the wider world continue to define AAU, but the different parts have also evolved and adapted to the changes of the times and society.

Aalborg University contains many stories. About people, buildings, and places, in everyday life between formation, education, research, administration, and leadership. The university is a product of different disciplines, ideas, projects, and collaborations - locally, nationally, and globally. Common to the university's various parts is the production, dissemination, and circulation of knowledge both in research, teaching, and in collaboration with the surrounding society.
