MødeFrom intern to International CRM Manager at L'Oréal. Discover Sanaa Ramsis' career path Who are you? And where do you come from? My name is Sanaa, I was born and raised in Paris. I studied law at Panthéon-Assas University, then Strategic & Digital Marketing at Rennes School of Business. I am currently International CRM* & Media Manager at Vichy Laboratoires, and previously I did an internship in digital marketing (more precisely in CRM) within the active cosmetics division, which includes our brands present in pharmacies, such as La Roche Posay or Vichy. *Customer Relationship Management How did you discover L'Oréal? L'Oréal has been part of my daily life since I was a little girl. I joined the group by applying one night on the career site, and the adventure started as simply as that. When I found out that I got a job for end of studies internship, I jumped around my apartment! And then of course, I called my mom right after! What is your favorite part of your job? I love the fact that I'm always learning more about the business, the tools, the industry and the people. The digital environment at L'Oréal is very stimulating and challenging, you always have to be on the lookout for best practices and the latest trends. Digital also allows you to innovate, and test new things all the time. You never get bored and that's what I love. What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal? The accessibility of the people working at L'Oréal. Everyone is willing to talk over coffee or lunch, it's even part of the company's culture! It's great because it allows you to meet people from different nationalities, different jobs and different sectors, and to learn more and more. Everyone is willing to share their stories, regardless of the hierarchy (which you don't feel at all, by the way). Also, during my internship, what surprised me the most was not being considered as an "intern", I was listened to, trusted and given important responsibilities in the management of projects. Your missions in a few words ? Managing the entire relationship between the brand and its customers via our websites, our communications (emails, newsletters, sms, media), acquiring new customers via all digital channels and building loyalty. There is also a whole data part that consists in analyzing our databases, project management, and many other missions. A lesson you learned at L'Oréal? Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and to always ask questions to move forward and learn more and better! Any advice for future interns your industry? Be curious, open-minded and show initiative! Are you interested in joining L'Oréal too ? Click here to discover all our offers!