L'Oréal Groupe

Cosmetics & Innovation


Stor virksomhed




41, rue Martre – 92110 Clichy

Nyheder (9)

  • Møde

    GO BEYOND with L’Oréal Masterclass - meet Chief Metaverse & Web3 Officer , Camille Kroely

    Interested in learning about the rise of the Metaverse, AR & VR with an expert in the domain? Our upcoming Masterclass with Camille Kroely, Chief Metaverse and Web3 officer at L'Oréal, will flesh out the hype around these subjects and give you a clearer insight into how they are currently being used by both consumers and brands today. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE MASTERCLASS What will you learn with Camille? Understand the Web 3 transformation What AR, VR, XR, AI really mean for Brands and consumer engagement How it will boost creativity and innovative ideas Meet our speaker: French native, Camille Kroely is graduated from HEC Paris Entrepreneurs. She started her career at L’Oréal 12 years ago in Marketing working in operational then international development marketing. In 2015, Camille has launched the Digital Upskilling programme for the group and piloted it at scale. She then spent one year on her own entrepreneurial project. In 2018, Camille joined L’Oréal again as Global Head of Services (AR/VR/AI) & Open Innovation within the Group’s Chief Digital Officer Team. Since July 2022, Camille is Chief Metaverse & Web3 Officer (CM3O) for the group. Check out her Linkedin HERE

  • Møde

    From internship to Employer Branding VIE at L’Oréal Austria/Germany. Discover Solène Bonjour's career path

    From internship to Employer Branding VIE at L’Oréal Austria/Germany. Discover Solène Bonjour's career path Who are you? And where do you come from? My name is Solène and I was born in Lille, Northern France! I was raised in Frankfurt for a while, then in Paris. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Relations from the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK – and a Masters in Communications from Sciences Po Lille, in France. I am currently doing an Employer Branding *VIE at the L’Oréal Austria/Germany headquarters in Düsseldorf. So really, I come from a whole lot of different places! :) *Volontariat International en Entreprise How did you discover L'Oréal? I have used L’Oréal products all my life, like many – from Garnier shampoos to Maybelline mascaras. I became more aware of L’Oréal as a company and employer during my studies. Someone I knew in school had gotten their end of study internship at L’Oréal and I remember it being quite a big deal for everyone. When time came for me to get my own internship, it was my mom who told me I should apply, as she knew a lot of people who said it was a great learning experience for young professionals. I applied to a Corporate Communications role and talked to a recruiter, who told me she had a position that could fit what I was looking for. And that’s how I became an intern in Employer Branding in the Global Talent Acquisition team! What is your favorite part of your job?  I think my favorite part of the job is outreach – going directly to the potential candidates – especially students - meeting them, presenting the company and our opportunities to them… I like creative work and social media but events are always fun and meeting students is really special. I was one not so long ago after all and it’s a pleasure to bring answers to the questions they have (and they never run out of them). For example, I recently attended the International CEMS Career Forum in Barcelona to meet CEMS students from all over the word, and I have projects to visit university campuses in Mannheim and Oestrich Winkel in late November 2022. What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal? I would say the importance and responsibility I was given as an intern. As soon as I arrived in my first position at L’Oréal, my manager made sure I knew that I had as much say as everyone did in team decisions and projects. I was also in charge of my own projects and the team had a very horizontal structure. I was free to give my opinion and my ideas. It was definitely refreshing to be considered as a full member of the team and to be given this level of responsibility this early. It was also a great way to learn on the job. Your missions in a few words ?  Positioning L’Oréal as a committed, innovative, exciting employer to potential future employees of all ages and backgrounds in the Austria and Germany market – through social media and communications of course, but also by reaching out directly to our different targets (students, juniors, seniors…) and through exciting projects, like our yearly Brandstorm competition and our local Join Us @ L’Oréal events in Düsseldorf. A lesson you learned at L'Oréal? You’re capable of so much more than you think! Any advice for future interns your industry?  Be bold, trust yourself – stand up for your creative ideas but be open to feedback, that’s how you will learn and grow. Are you interested in joining L'Oréal too ? Click here to discover all our offers! 

  • Møde

    From intern to International CRM Manager at L'Oréal. Discover Sanaa Ramsis' career path

    From intern to International CRM Manager at L'Oréal. Discover Sanaa Ramsis' career path Who are you? And where do you come from? My name is Sanaa, I was born and raised in Paris. I studied law at Panthéon-Assas University, then Strategic & Digital Marketing at Rennes School of Business. I am currently International CRM* & Media Manager at Vichy Laboratoires, and previously I did an internship in digital marketing (more precisely in CRM) within the active cosmetics division, which includes our brands present in pharmacies, such as La Roche Posay or Vichy.  *Customer Relationship Management How did you discover L'Oréal?  L'Oréal has been part of my daily life since I was a little girl. I joined the group by applying one night on the career site, and the adventure started as simply as that. When I found out that I got a job for end of studies internship, I jumped around my apartment! And then of course, I called my mom right after! What is your favorite part of your job?  I love the fact that I'm always learning more about the business, the tools, the industry and the people. The digital environment at L'Oréal is very stimulating and challenging, you always have to be on the lookout for best practices and the latest trends. Digital also allows you to innovate, and test new things all the time. You never get bored and that's what I love. What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal?  The accessibility of the people working at L'Oréal. Everyone is willing to talk over coffee or lunch, it's even part of the company's culture! It's great because it allows you to meet people from different nationalities, different jobs and different sectors, and to learn more and more. Everyone is willing to share their stories, regardless of the hierarchy (which you don't feel at all, by the way). Also, during my internship, what surprised me the most was not being considered as an "intern", I was listened to, trusted and given important responsibilities in the management of projects. Your missions in a few words ?  Managing the entire relationship between the brand and its customers via our websites, our communications (emails, newsletters, sms, media), acquiring new customers via all digital channels and building loyalty. There is also a whole data part that consists in analyzing our databases, project management, and many other missions. A lesson you learned at L'Oréal? Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and to always ask questions to move forward and learn more and better! Any advice for future interns your industry?  Be curious, open-minded and show initiative! Are you interested in joining L'Oréal too ? Click here to discover all our offers! 

  • Møde

    From intern to Digital Content Manager at L'Oréal. Discover Clara Dousset's career path

    From intern to Digital Content Manager at L'Oréal. Discover Clara Dousset's career path Who are you? And where do you come from? My name is Clara, I grew up in Paris and I went abroad to study: 4 years at the University of Bath in England and 1 year at ESCP in Madrid. I joined L'Oréal in July 2021 as an Assistant Digital Services Project Manager in the DMI* team of L'Oréal Paris. In January 2022 I joined the e-D2C* Centralized Luxury team for Europe as Digital Content Manager. * International Marketing Department *Direct to consumer e-commerce How did you discover L'Oréal? As a French woman, I have always used L'Oréal products! My first experience working with the group was during my master's degree in digital marketing at ESCP. As a group, we had to present a concept and a social activation plan to boost the sales of the brand Khiels. I was able to discover the universe of this brand as well as the group as a whole. I also realized the extent of the resources and opportunities at L'Oréal and that's what pushed me to apply for an internship in Digital Marketing at the end of my studies. What is your favorite part of your job? Today, as a Digital Content Manager, I have the chance to discover E-commerce in its entirety. From product creation to promotion activation, including discussions with the socials or CRM* teams, I am immersed in the design and optimization of E-commerce websites. I'm never bored and I'm constantly learning new things that will serve me throughout my career (SFCC, Photoshop etc). Another aspect of my job that I love is having a real impact.  The changes and improvements I make are visible on the sites and in the numbers and that's super motivating! *Customer Relationship Management What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal? The "Fit" culture. At L'Oréal, interns, employees, apprentices, etc. are all encouraged to go out and meet people outside their team and métier. It's pretty intimidating at first, but it allows you to discover all the different jobs that exist within the group and to meet new people. It's a great way to introduce yourself and the people you work with. Your missions in a few words ? My main mission is to take care of the webmastering* of the Armani Beauty and Valentino Beauty websites for all the countries in the European zone. That is to say the animation of the sites, the configuration of promotions, and the creation of new products, I am also in charge of SEO and optimization the UX of the sites. *Create and manage the content and organization of a site A lesson you learned at L'Oréal? You don't need to know everything, you just need to be motivated! Any advice for future interns in your field? Be proactive! There are so many opportunities in this group, show that you are willing and that you want to learn, it will be valued! Are you interested in joining L'Oréal too ? Click here to discover all our offers! 

  • Møde

    From intern to Project Management Officer at L'Oréal. Discover Noura Zid El Aieb's career path

    From Intern to Project Management Officer at L'Oréal Who are you? And where do you come from? My name is Noura, I am PMO* Infrastructure in the IT* Europe teams. I am an engineer and I studied at ECE Paris. *Project Management Officer *Information Technology How did you join the Group? I am very passionate about cosmetics! Joining L'Oréal was always a dream for me when I was younger. I had already applied once for an internship at l'Oréal in my 4th year but unfortunately it didn't work out. I tried again for my last year internship, and this time it was the right one! When I learned that I got the job, I was so happy! I was in the hallway at school and I screamed *literally*, I kept saying it to people and I still couldn't believe it... What is your favorite part of your job? I love the PMO position. My missions change every day. I never get bored because I have the opportunity to work with many different teams and people. And that gives a very human dimension to my job that I really appreciate. What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal? The team spirit and the kindness of the people. They are always there to explain if you don't understand, to share and discuss. It's really great. Your missions in a few words? I am in charge of the governance and the portfolio of the Infrastructure projects, but also of the budget and other transversal missions! A lesson you learned at L'Oréal? You have to go for it, don't be afraid to share your ideas to move things. Any advice for future interns in your sector? Be curious, ask questions! Don't be afraid to make mistakes, there is no stupid question! Are you interested in joining L'Oréal too ? Click here to discover all our offers! 

  • Møde

    From intern to International Project Manager at L'Oréal: Discover Yitao Sun's journey

    From Intern to International Project Manager, discover Yitao Sun's journey    Who are you? And where do you come from?  Hi, I’m Yitao SUN, 25 years old, originally from China. I joined L’Oréal in January this year as an International Project Manager working at Prada Beauty DMI (Direction Marketing International – essentially the team that manages the brand from a global perspective) team for the skincare line. Previously I had my first bachelor degree in Finance in China at Renmin University and a double degree in Marseille at KEDGE Business School in Business & Management, I then graduated from the ESSECC Business School in Management last year.   How did you join L'Oréal?  Joining the biggest beauty group in the world has been my dream and the main reason why I came to France for my studies. My first story with the group began 3 years ago in 2019 when there was a career fair at my school, where I had the chance to meet L’Oréal recruiters on campus and deeply exchanged with them. Later I was invited for an assessment event called “ONE DAY FOR MARKETING” where we had a group case study, and individual interviews with several brands. Then I had a great match with the managers from Biotherm Marketing department who offered me my first internship in this field.   Later I also had several other internships outside the Group to discover a bit the operational marketing and communication sectors and finally decided to come back for my end-of-study internship at Lancôme in Marketing and specifically in the Génifique team to further strengthen my Marketing skills.     What do you like the most about your job?  Indeed, I do appreciate the fact that global brand team combines not only the operational but also the creative side of marketing. We experience the magic of drafting a concept from scratch and then follow every step through the creation of physical products including the formulas, primary & secondary packaging…until the final visual asset delivery for instance the advertisements, posters, and social media content! Moreover, this is not guesswork, we follow closely the latest market trends and work with different zones & countries to ensure the alignment with the markets’ needs.   It’s also the pride and joy of seeing “your baby” appearing on the market & being appreciated by consumers that keeps me so passionate about working in the DMI level. My personal philosophy is to create things that brings good to the people and the world.     What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal?  There are 2 things that surprised me at first when I arrived.   The first one is the “lunch culture”: even as interns, we were encouraged to meet and talk with different people during our lunch break, not only for networking but also for discovering the interesting side of their métier. This way we can better understand the whole eco-system of the group and also have a greater understanding about our role. It’s really such strong inter-personal relationship that bond tightly the L’Oréal community.   The second thing is the “autonomy & responsibility”: we don’t have a very systematic approach as being at school to get taught everything, but we are encouraged to learn by ourselves to build our autonomy and get more responsibility throughout our training. For me it’s the fastest way to learn how to be proactive and to become a problem-solver.  Life is unpredictable and we cannot forecast everything, however one thing we can prepare in advance is how we shape ourselves into agile people who can quickly find a solution. This is the most important lesson I learn from this L’Oréal culture.    Your missions in a few words? My main mission is to firstly draft the concept for a new launch or a renovation, then work in parallel with the laboratory to finalize the formulas and with the development team for the primary & secondary packaging design. Meanwhile, we work closely with the legal team & countries to ensure the legal compliance of our product launch. We also partner with several external agencies for mock-up and visual asset creation to further enrich the 360° world and hence cover the major contents in the whole consumer journey. Last but not the least, we are the kernel of the whole business chain to align all the departments about the consistency of the project & brand so that we all speak in the same voice to our end consumers.     One lesson you learned at L'Oréal?  Being proactive is a key quality to grow fast. It’s also extremely important to understand the logic behind things as it could facilitate your understanding of the global picture of the mission.      Any advice for future trainees in your sector?  Don’t hesitate to ask questionsand don’t be ashamed of making mistakes. What matters most is how to learn and grow from the mistake. Always be curious, humble yet dare to express your opinions because every voice counts in L’Oréal!   Are you interested in joining L'Oréal too ? Click here to discover all our offers! 

  • Møde

    From intern to Sales Graduate at L'Oréal: Discover Victor Velo's journey

    From Intern to Sales Graduate discover Victor Velo's journey    Who are you? And where do you come from?    My name is Victor, I'm 23 years old and I grew up near Toulouse. I graduated from the BBA of INSEEC and the MSc Marketing French Excellence of NEOMA Business School. I just joined the Sales Graduate Program of L'Oréal France and my first rotation is as a Category Expert in the Consumer Products division.    How did you join L'Oréal?    I have always wanted to join the leader in cosmetics since I started my studies. I got to know L'Oréal through certain brands such as Garnier and La Roche Posay, while regularly following the news about the Group. I then found an offer on the career site and applied directly! After the interviews, my recruiter called me to tell me the good news!  I joined the company as part of my end-of-study internship in the Luxury division, where I had the chance to experience two roles: first as an Assistant Trade Marketing Project Manager for Valentino, Ralph Lauren, Diesel and Cacharel brands, and then a second experience where I assisted a Business Analyst in the Corporate Retail team. I then applied to the Sales Graduate Program and went through the assessment centre process before getting a positive answer. And I celebrated immediately!    What do you like the most about your job?    Without hesitation, the relationship with the clients! It's extremely rewarding and instructive to talk to different people, to understand their needs, to defend your points of view and to develop the business together. I also really appreciate the fact that I have responsibilities and a certain amount of freedom in my sector. I have my own portfolio of customers and I am responsible for my figures, the relationship with my shops and I have total autonomy in the organisation of my visits which I adapt according to priorities.    What surprised you when you arrived at L'Oréal?    I was very surprised by what we call the “FIT” culture at L'Oréal, which I think is great! It is a process which enables you to meet other employees, to talk to them about their job and their missions, to share experiences according to your background and to develop your network. It helped me a lot during my integration to understand the role of each member of the team and to get feedback from current Sales Graduates even before applying.     Your missions in a few words?    My missions consist of developing the turnover of our make-up brands with our customers, meeting objectives by integrating new products, but also negotiating the integration of our new brands (Maybelline Green and La Provençale Bio) with independent stores. It also means building and maintaining a relationship of trust and partnership with my customers by working together to make the make-up category as dynamic as possible.    One lesson you learned at L'Oréal?    That curiosity is not a bad thing, quite the opposite!    Any advice for future trainees in your sector?    Take the time to get to know your customers, dare to share your opinions and propose your ideas!    Are you interested in joining L'Oréal ? Click here to discover all our offers! 

  • Møde

    From apprentice to Sales Graduate : Meet Claire Ronsin

    From apprentice to Sales Graduate : Meet Claire Ronsin Who are you? And where are you from? My name is Claire Ronsin and I am originally from Laval, in the Mayenne region. After my master's degree at Neoma Business School, I joined the Sales Graduate Program at L'Oréal last July and I am currently doing my first rotation as a representative in the Metz area. How did you discover L'Oréal? And what was your reaction when you found out you were joining the group? I joined the group as an apprentice in the sales department, by applying on the career site. During the recruitment period, I was on academic exchange in Puebla, Mexico. So I followed the process remotely, via Teams. When I found out that I had been selected for the internship, I exploded with joy and we opened a bottle of champagne with my foreign roommates to celebrate the good news. What's your favorite thing about your job?  I love the selling part! Selling is an exciting and extremely stimulating job, which requires organization and a lot of patience! And L'Oréal has an extraordinary brand portfolio, and it is a pleasure and a real pride to represent them on a daily basis. What surprised you when you joined L'Oréal?  The passion of the employees for their job and the group in general. As soon as I arrived at L'Oréal, I met passionate, open-minded, talented people who are truly willing to pass on their knowledge and savoir-faire. What are your missions in a few words ?  On a daily basis, I apply the group's sales policy in my sector. My number one goal is to boost the sell-out of my stores for our brands. To do this, I make sure that all my products are present, well displayed, at the back of the shelfves or on promotion. A lesson you learned at L'Oréal? There is no age to have relevant ideas !  Whoever you are, intern, assistant or manager, everyone has the right to give their opinion and can be a great asset at L'Oréal. It's just a matter of daring!  Any advice for future interns in your sector?  After observing and understanding the environment around you, don't hesitate to give your opinion and be a force of proposal! And above all, as we say in the sales teams at L'Oréal, "Have the Grinta!” (Be Driven!).   Are you interested in joining the L'Oréal world? Click here to discover all our offers!