Air Liquide
Gas | Technologies | Services for industry & health
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Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies, industry, services and healthcare. We are present in 60 countries with more than 66,300 employees and serve more than 4 million customers and patients. Our ambition is to be a leader in our industry, to deliver long term performance and to contribute to a more sustainable world.
Did you know that Air Liquide has an impact on virtually every sector of the economy ? Whether you go to the supermarket or the office, you've probably already come into contact with products manufactured thanks to Air Liquide's expertise. Our Industrial and medical gases are at the heart of the Group's business. They are used in numerous industrial processes, such as water treatment, glass manufacturing, fresh produce preservation and agricultural cultivation but you can also find them in everyday products (food, beverages, smartphones, cars, etc.), as well as in hospitals and patients' homes. How? Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the company’s activities since its creation in 1902.
Through our positions in key markets of the future, Air Liquide is at the heart of today's and tomorrow's challenges: energy and environmental transition, transformation of healthcare and technological progress. Our business expertise, our capacity for innovation, our proximity to our customers and patients, and the commitment and professionalism of our employees enable us to provide concrete solutions for the benefit of all our stakeholders and, beyond, of society.
Here are our main activities:
Health: Our medical gases are needed in all hospital departments like emergency rooms, operating theatres and intensive care units. We provide daily care and personalized support to 2 million patients living with chronic diseases (lung disease, respiratory failure, sleep apnea, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease). We supply gas (such as oxygen) to 20,000 hospitals and care facilities worldwide, as well as innovative medical devices and solutions for patients treated in hospital settings and at home.
Industrial merchant: Air Liquide gases are present in different products you buy every day (coke, salad, beer). We provide gases to preserve food or to make soft drinks! For example, carbon dioxide is needed to create bubbles in beverages such as coke. In total, we have more than 2 million industrial customers to whom we supply gas in small and medium quantities. These gases are essential to their operations.
Large Industry: Air Liquide supplies gas to a variety of customers around the world. We produce and supply gas in large quantities to over 450 global customers. The Large Industry activity offers gas and energy solutions essential for industrial production, enabling them to improve the efficiency of their processes and make their production units more environmentally friendly. For example, we supply oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and water vapour to various sectors (metallurgy, chemistry, energy, oil, gas) through a network of plants and pipelines.
Electronics: Air Liquide gas is used to create electronic components that are present in your smartphone or in your computer. 100% of the next generation smartphones will be designed with components, chips and memories using advanced materials from Air Liquide. The electronics business provides high-purity gases (for example nitrogen) in large quantities, which are essential for the manufacture of semiconductors, flat screens and solar cells. The Group also provides tailor-made services and equipment for on-site gas management in tight flows and under strict safety conditions.
Global ECC Solutions: to supply gas to our customers, we design and build our own gas production units at Air Liquide sites around the world, but also directly at our customers' sites. These are essentially units that separate and purify gases from the air, produce hydrogen, but also convert clean energies and fuels to optimize our customers' natural resources. Did you know that one of the main technologies of the Air Liquide Group (Cryocap) uses a cryogenic process to capture the CO2 released during the production of hydrogen? The Air Liquide Group is committed to designing and building sustainable technologies in accordance with its climate objectives.
Global Market & Innovative Technologies: we provide molecules, equipment and services to support the energy transition and advanced technologies. We are contributing to the deployment and growing use of hydrogen by developing technologies that implement it. The hydrogen stations that we design and manufacture are dedicated to filling cars, buses, trucks, trains and in the near future ships and planes. We are engaged in space exploration and develop energy production and storage technologies, as well as air purification equipment to support future space missions.
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