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Van Insurance Renewal Considerations with AXA Insurance

Renewing your van insurance is often the perfect time to review your policy and decide what you may need to change. When you are insured with AXA Insurance, we send you a letter 30 days in advance of your renewal date, with information on how to renew, along with your policy details. To review your policy, you can simply log onto your MyAXA account, where all details such as your coverage level, any add-ons you have chosen can be found.

When reviewing, you should think of any changes you need to make to your policy, such as if you need a higher level of cover, if you need to avail of any additional extras like no claims discount protection and add these to your van renewal. You can do so online, or by ringing our dedicated van insurance team on 0818 7 365 24. We will then review your changes; send your new renewal premium and you can renew your van insurance.

Do I need to add anything to my van insurance renewal this year?

Deciding whether to add anything to your van insurance renewal is completely up to you and what suits your van insurance needs. We recommend that every year when it comes time to renew your van insurance, you sit down and make a list of all of the needs and wants you want from your van insurance. Once you have created this list, you can then log into your online MyAXA account, and review your policy to see if your needs and wants are met.

If you feel you need extra protection, we then recommend that you review our optional extras and other cover levels to see how you can add additional protection to your insurance policy. We highly recommend extending your cover level by availing of our optional extras. For an additional cost, can extend your van insurance protection to help cover things such as your no claims discount, glass breakage, injury to driver and much more.

What might have changed that could impact the renewal premium?

One of the main things that may change your renewal premium, is whether you have made a claim within the last year. If you have made at least one claim during the year, and do not have no claims discount protection on your insurance policy, your bonus may be affected. However, after you have renewed your insurance, you will begin building your no claims discount again.

If you have not made a claim, you may see your renewal premium decrease, which is due to the fact we allow our customers to build on their no claims discount until it reaches 50% off. If you have added any optional extras, changed your level of cover or added drivers, this will all also impact your renewal premium.