Council of Europe Development Bank

The social development bank for Europe


NGO / öffentliche Einrichtung / Andere


Banken / Finanzen


Paris, France

Council of Europe Development Bank entdecken

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Our mission: working to make Europe better for all its people

Our social mandate in Europe is unique. Our work is aimed at fostering inclusive and sustainable growth and contribute to improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations in Europe. 

In delivering on our mission, you will be involved in advising and financing a wide variety of projects, including social, emergency response or climate action projects amongst others.

In working across all these economic areas and across Europe, you will be guided by our set of values.

Wie ist es, hier zu arbeiten?

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HR Presentation

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Presentation of our activities

  • Gründungsjahr


  • Unternehmenswerte

    Commitment • Cooperation • Creativity • Transparency