Eiffage Métal

Expert in turnkey metal construction




Baubranche / Stadtplanung


3-7 place de l'Europe 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay

Eiffage Métal entdecken

Les équipes réalisent des installations clés en main faisant appel à de multiples compétences : soudure, tuyauterie, chaudronnerie...

With a recognized expertise in turnkey metal construction, Eiffage Metal’s teams design and produce building envelopes, frontage and structures. They also provide multi-technical solutions for the sector of industry, in particular energy, through a strong experience in the construction of offshore wind farms.

From the Millau Viaduct to the Louis-Vuitton Foundation in Paris, via the residential area of the Total Ofon oil field in Nigeria, or the offshore wind fields of the North Sea, Eiffage Metal has built a strong reputation as a specialist in complex and unique structures in each of its trades. Creativity and innovation are part of the company’s DNA.

Eiffage Metal and its European subsidiaries put their engineering skills, project management proficiency and output and assembly knowledge at the service of bespoke solutions, both in France and abroad.

// In Brief

Eiffage Metal is 3 activities:

  • Envelopes & Frontage
  • Engineering structures
  • Industry: Windfarms onshore/ offshore - Oil & Gas onshore/ offshore - nuclear industry - Major Industrial Projects - Hydraulic works and mobile bridges - Industrial transfer/ arrangement - Industrial piping - Heat exchangers/ pressure vessels - Aeronautics/ Aerospace/ Armament

Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick

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L'interview de Marine, ingénieur études chez Eiffage Métal - The Big Talk Métier

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Découvrez les coulisses de Eiffage Métal - BEHIND THE CURTAINS

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Eiffage Metal... Unlocked !

  • Gründungsjahr
