IFU - investment fund for developing countries
Investing for a sustainable world
IFU - investment fund for developing countries entdecken

IFU – the Investment Fund for Developing Countries is a Danish impact investor contributing to green, just and inclusive societies as well as supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.
We provide risk capital to companies operating in developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and parts of Europe. Investments are made on commercial terms in the form of equity, loans and guarantees. Prioritized sectors are Green energy & infrastructure, Financial services, Healthcare and Sustainable food systems.
IFU has co-invested in over 1,300 companies in more than 100 developing countries and emerging markets. Contracted investments total EUR 31 billion, of which IFU has contributed EUR 3.6 billion. Annually IFU makes around 25 -30 investments and has on average an active portfolio of 200 investments. '
IFU’s head office is located in Copenhagen supplemented by regional representation in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. IFU operates as fund manager for public-private partnerships like the Danish SDG Investment Fund, which is to invest in commercially viable projects supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Fund is established in cooperation with the Danish State and several of the largest Danish Pension Funds and private investors.
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