Boehringer Ingelheim

Our eyes are to the future. Our optimism is unwavering. Life forward

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Large company


Medicine / Pharmaceuticals / Health


Ingelheim am Rhein

News (13)

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    Solidarity with Ukraine

    Since March 2022 our company has been committed to helping Ukrainian civilians in need with monetary and in kind donations, in the Ukraine, Poland and Germany. Update April 17, 2024  After more than two years of war, destruction and personal tragedy, the situation for Ukrainian civilians has not eased. There is a shortage of food, water, and medicine, and people are trying to cope with the consequences of the invasion. According to the Ukraine Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan from December 2023, 18 million out of the 36 million people in Ukraine will require humanitarian aid in 2024.   Since March 2022, we have supported the Ukrainian people with financial support through the German Red Cross and Polish Red Cross. To date, total financial donations amount to 26.5 million EUR, while initial product donations added another 11.5 million EUR.   The Board of Managing Directors has now decided to extend our current relief donations program with another 12 months for a total amount of 10.25 million EUR, bringing our total support commitment to Ukraine to 48.25 million EUR. In the past year, our donations positively impacted more than 328,000 Ukrainians. While in the early days of the war aid to our employees and first aid for the refugees were leading the relief efforts, the need for mental and mobile health support in Ukraine, as well as refugee support in Poland, is now at the heart of our support.   ------------------------------------------- Update December 12, 2022 The war in Ukraine continues and it is clear that much help is still needed in many areas. In March 2022 we pledged our support for Ukraine via making financial donations to several charitable organizations and via donating our medical products. Reflecting on the year, we have committed over EUR 25 million in financial support and medicines. Our monthly donations to the Red Cross will continue into the new year. ------------------------------------------- Update March 18, 2022 The ongoing war in Ukraine touches all of us at Boehringer Ingelheim deeply. Our thoughts are with our colleagues, their families and all Ukrainians. We are committed to helping those in need and to assisting those who help. From the start of the war our priority has been to support our nearly 100 colleagues and their families in Ukraine. We continue to see many support initiatives across our company, from donating to accommodating refugees. We facilitate these efforts by giving colleagues in Europe up to 10 volunteering days to help. We have made an initial EUR 2.5 million financial donation to emergency relief organizations in the early days of the war and started an ongoing process of medicines donations for Ukraine. We realize that the war will have a long-term impact. We want to be there for Ukrainians not only now, but also when they can start rebuilding their country. We will therefore donate 12 monthly payments of each EUR 1 million to the Polish and German Red Cross organizations, from this month. Providing people with the – often life-saving – medicines they need has always been our absolute priority. We do everything to keep supplying people in Ukraine, which is not easy now. We have also provided medicines to people in Russia for the past 30 years. We believe we cannot leave them without their medication now. This includes patients participating in current clinical trials. Our operations in Russia will be limited to the supply of medicines and in full compliance with the sanctions imposed on the country. The situation in the region will remain volatile in the coming period and we are closely following developments. We all hope that the aggression against Ukraine and the horrible suffering of Ukrainians will soon come to an end. ------------------------------------------- February 28, including update from March 9, 2022 “On behalf of the Board of Managing Directors, I would like to express our feelings of sorrow and consternation over the start of a war in the middle of Europe. This affects people across the region, where families have members on both sides of the border, and where sons and daughters are called to duty in a war that only brings suffering and pain”, says Hubertus von Baumbach, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors. “War can never be accepted as the means of resolving conflicts.” It was in February 1992 that we established our presence in Ukraine and Russia, which has grown to a total of nearly 800 employees today. "During these 30 years, we have achieved many milestones together in the interest of health, for the benefit of patients, and in the interest of life. Our Ukrainian as well as Russian colleagues have become integral members of the Boehringer Ingelheim family,” Hubertus von Baumbach continued. "Our thoughts are with them, as well as the many people who simply want to live in peace. On behalf of my colleagues, my deepest sympathies are with them all.” “We have decided to make a donation of EUR 2.5 million* to charitable organizations providing humanitarian support to Ukraine and its citizens.” Many colleagues are working to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and their families in any way possible. We are in close contact with our Ukrainian colleagues. We also decided to grant up to 10 extra working days for Ukraine-related volunteering to our employees in Europe who wish to take time off to provide support. At the same time, we are seeking to limit the impact of the conflict on the supply of medicines to patients for humanitarian reasons across both countries. “We would like to thank all who have worked tirelessly during the past days to provide help wherever help can be provided.” Hubertus von Baumbach promises: “We will do everything to help our impacted colleagues, their families and communities.” * The donation will be distributed to the following charitable organizations: EUR 750k to International Committee of the Red Cross (via German Red Cross - DRK) EUR 750k to Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe EUR 500k to Aktion Deutschland Hilft EUR 500k to UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe

  • Other

    Ein Arbeitsplatz, der zum Leben passt

    „Nach nur zwei Jahren ist mir eine Stelle mit Verantwortung für eine ganze Region angeboten worden. Das ist ein riesiger Vertrauensbeweis,“ erklärt Julian Kramer, als er nach seinem Weg in unserem Unternehmen gefragt wird. Als Führungskraft im Bereich Companion Animals für unsere Märkte im Regional Center Vienna (RCV) wird er nicht nur gefördert, sondern nimmt selbst eine wichtige Rolle für die Entwicklung seiner Teamkolleginnen und -kollegen ein. Die Möglichkeiten, den eigenen Karriereweg nach persönlichen Zielen und Bedürfnissen zu gestalten, machen uns als Global Top Employer 2025 aus. Julian ist im Jahr 2022 bei Boehringer Ingelheim bereits als Team Lead für unsere Haustiersparte eingestiegen. Damals mit Verantwortung für unseren Markt in Österreich. „Tatsächlich bin ich vorher schon einmal bei Boehringer in einem Auswahlverfahren dabei gewesen. Das hat mir damals schon wahnsinnig imponiert. Es ist zu dem Zeitpunkt leider nichts geworden, aber der gute Eindruck, den das Unternehmen hinterlassen hat, ist geblieben.“   Seit 2024 leitet Julian das Companion Animals Team für unsere RCV-Märkte. Der Schritt von der Landes- in die Regionalverantwortung ist auch ein Schritt von operativen zu zunehmend strategischen Aufgaben. Julian und sein vierköpfiges Team verantworten aus Wien heraus das Marketing, das Produktmanagement und den technischen Service für unsere Kleintierprodukte. Fördern und gefördert werden Seine berufliche Weiterentwicklung wurde unter anderem von der Leadership Academy für First Line Leaders – also für Führungskräfte, die ein Team direkt leiten –gefördert und begleitet. „Ich habe die Programme als eine starke Investition in mich und vor allem als Wertschätzung wahrgenommen,“ sagt er. „Das Training der Leadership Academy hat mir geholfen, mehr über die Führungsweisen speziell bei Boehringer zu lernen. Insbesondere, weil ich erst eine vergleichsweise kurze Zeit im Unternehmen bin.“   Die Leadership Academy ist Teil unserer internen University. Sie spiegelt das Prinzip wider, dass die Entwicklung von Führungskräften wichtig für ein Arbeitsumfeld ist, in dem alle Mitarbeitenden wachsen können. „Bei den Lerninhalten erinnere ich mich vor allem an die Behaviors und merke, wie sie immer mehr in der täglichen Arbeit eingebracht werden. Daneben wurden Themen behandelt, über die ich so ausgiebig nie in meinen Führungsverantwortungen bei anderen Arbeitgebern trainiert worden bin. Dazu zählen Fragestellungen mit Blick auf Diversity & Inclusion und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeitenden.“ Die Auszeichnung als Global Top Employer 2025 erhält unser Unternehmen zum fünften Mal in Folge. Wir sind eines von insgesamt 17 Unternehmen, die diese Zertifizierung erhalten haben. Sie unterstreicht unser Engagement für ein Arbeitsumfeld, in dem die berufliche Entwicklung und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeitenden im Vordergrund stehen. Unsere Arbeitgeberangebote punkten insbesondere in den Kategorien "Steer" und "Develop". Unsere Leadership Academy zeigt, wie wichtig Führungskräfte-Training für ein positives und förderndes Arbeitsumfeld bei uns ist. Sie ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie unsere Mitarbeitenden – ob in einer Führungsrolle oder nicht – dabei unterstützt werden, ihre eigene Karriere zu gestalten. Doppelter Grund zur Freude: Wir haben nicht nur die Zertifizierung „Top Employer Germany 2025“ erhalten, sondern gehören auch zu den Top-20-Arbeitgebern von insgesamt 163 teilnehmenden Unternehmen in Deutschland.    Impulse für die Karriere Wenn es um die Förderung seiner Teamkollegen und -kolleginnen geht, ist Julian das Thema Netzwerken besonders wichtig. „Aus den Führungskräfte-Trainings habe ich dazu einiges mitgenommen: Mal im Team zu schauen, was macht die Mitarbeitenden jeweils aus? Ist da irgendetwas, das fehlt, damit sie ihren Job richtig ausüben können? Und zu versuchen, sie mit Personen in diesem großen Unternehmen zu vernetzen, mit denen sich neue Synergien ergeben können.“   Die Herangehensweise ergänzt sich mit Julians persönlichem Führungsstil. Er beschreibt sich als kollaborativ und als eine Führungskraft, die Impulse gibt. Er möchte, dass Mitarbeitende selbst Entscheidungen treffen können und es auch tun – und das soll sich auch lohnen. „Am Ende stehe ich natürlich für die Mitarbeitenden ein. Aber wenn jemand großartige Sachen macht, dann soll die Person auch dafür wahrgenommen werden. Das ist mir wichtig und die Inhalte unserer Führungsprogramme passen gut dazu.“   Die richtige Balance Für seinen persönlichen Karriereweg stellt Julian fest: „Egal, welche Karriereziele man anstrebt: Es sollte immer noch Spaß machen und vor allem das Umfeld sollte passen. Die Arbeit muss einfach zu meinem Leben passen.“   „Meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen sind mir sehr wichtig“, führt er fort. Das wurde Julian zuletzt beim Hochwasser in Wien wieder bewusst, von dem auch er betroffen war. „Sie haben mir ihre Hilfe angeboten, indem sie ihre sozialen Tage nehmen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt gab es noch keine richtigen Aufgaben, die umgesetzt werden konnten. Aber es hat mir wieder mal gezeigt, was wir für eine offene Community wir haben.“ Von Arbeitgeberseite gab es weitere Unterstützung mit zusätzlichen freien Tagen. „Das finde ich nicht selbstverständlich,“ erklärt Julian. „Dazu kommt allgemein die Möglichkeit Home-Office zu machen. Das macht es möglich, das Privatleben mit der Arbeit zu vereinbaren – auch wenn es manchmal noch so kompliziert ist.“   Was macht für Julian also einen top Arbeitgeber aus? „Man merkt einfach, dass bei Boehringer die Mitarbeitenden geschätzt werden. Hinzukommt, dass ich mich gut mit dem, was wir machen, identifizieren kann. Wenn man merkt, dass das, was wir tun, Tieren und deren Besitzern wirklich helfen kann und man für diese Arbeit auch noch fair behandelt wird, ist das einfach toll. Diesen Eindruck hatte ich bereits beim ersten Kontakt mit Boehringer. Und deshalb habe ich den Schritt in dieses Unternehmen gemacht.“

  • Other

    "A change of perspective is very helpful for the career"

    Many managers dedicate quite some time to the strategy of the company in which they work. Sven Sommerlatte, Global Head of HR at Boehringer Ingelheim and author of the book "Successful career strategy – Pathway to your dream job", explains how important it is for anyone to also take time for the personal career strategy. Before you step on the pedal of career acceleration, it is worth reflecting on what you are really aiming for.  The first step towards the dream job – what is your advice? Sven Sommerlatte: It is often difficult to project yourself far into the future and determine how to achieve your goals. A so-called desired CV can be a good tool here. My advice is not to wait until the career path is completed to write down the CV from A to Z. Instead, write down the CV backwards, starting with the dream job that you aspire to and reflect about the different career steps that will be required to reach your goal. Creativity and courage are welcome here! Should there be a change, and this will certainly be the case, because the future is uncertain, the desired CV can be adapted. For some it seems to have been clear for a long time – for others less so: How do you recognize the dream job? Sven Sommerlatte: It is important to get a very accurate picture of your career goal. All too often, the understanding of job content is rather vague. People also often lack of clarity on the impact certain jobs have on their work-life-balance, e.g., if a lot of traveling is required. One can only thrive in a future role if all these components match ones needs and expectations. I therefore recommend getting in touch with people who work in this profession.  What to do if wishes, life circumstances or the image of the dream job change? Sven Sommerlatte: It's important to set up a career plan first. But it can be a "living" document that helps to achieve existing or new professional goals. The assumptions underlying this plan should be regularly challenged. Have personal preferences changed? Has the career unexpectedly developed differently than originally intended? Also, any new gained experiences and knowledge should be added to the career plan. And finally, it is very useful to discuss this plan with others and to hear their advice. A change of perspective is very helpful for the career. What about rather diverse job experiences? Sven Sommerlatte: I even appeal: Expand your base of professional experience. Many of us are still focused on vertical career advancement. At the beginning of our careers, we should align ourselves much more strongly laterally. This helps to gain new experiences that will later be indispensable for our dream job. I therefore advise you to deal openly with possible gaps in experience and to include them in the planning through new career opportunities. I see two main reasons why the hierarchically oriented profiles are less attractive today. On the one hand, the ability to think outside the box in order to find innovative solutions to problems is becoming increasingly important. On the other hand, our environment is subject to such rapid change that it is quite risky to put all your eggs in one basket.  How can this be put into practice? Sven Sommerlatte: International stays, line and project management experience and much more are valuable experiences. Here, the choice of employer can already be part of the answer. Boehringer Ingelheim, for example: With a people-oriented corporate culture, it is convinced that it can only achieve its goals with empowered employees and that everyone can develop further. Employee development has a high priority, and this includes an inclusive working environment, concepts such as lifelong learning and individual development plans – also with the opportunity to build up a broad base of experience. Corporate culture – what role can it play in career decisions? Sven Sommerlatte: It is essential – also for the choice of the employer. In my view, the most important cultural difference between companies lies in the spectrum between organizations on the one hand where team spirit is highly valued. On the other hand, there are organizations with a strong internal competitive culture that can easily lead to "everyone fights for themselves". Most companies are somewhere in between. As a research-driven pharmaceutical company, Boehringer Ingelheim places a strong focus on its employees and feels a strong responsibility for human and animal health. This is closely related to another aspect, the company's purpose. My advice is to take a critical look at whether this purpose corresponds to one's own values and whether one can identify with the company's activity.   At Boehringer Ingelheim, we are convinced that tomorrow holds great opportunities for more progress, more sustainability, and more health. So, we grow together and beyond ourselves – in our global job portal you will find all vacancies – worldwide!

  • Company life

    Wertschätzung und Fokus auf ganzheitliche Gesundheit machen Boehringer Ingelheim zum Global Top Employer 2023

    Wertschätzung und Fokus auf ganzheitliche Gesundheit machen Boehringer Ingelheim zum Global Top Employer 2023   Boehringer Ingelheim ist weltweit einer der 15 besten Arbeitgeber Sehr gute Bewertung in den Bereichen Wohlbefinden, Arbeitsumfeld sowie Vergütung und Wertschätzung der Mitarbeitenden Auszeichnung in Deutschland und 28 weiteren Ländern sowie Zertifizierungen in Europa, im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum und – auf Platz eins – in Lateinamerika Das Top Employer Institute zeichnet Boehringer Ingelheim  in 29 Ländern als “Top Employer” aus und somit zum dritten  Mal in Folge als “Global Top Employer”.

  • Other

    Mit Data Science Medizin revolutionieren

    Verena erzählt Eine Karriere – zwei Positionen. Verena ist sowohl Senior Principal Capability Managerin als auch Chapter Head im Bereich Biostatistics and Data Science.  Das Ziel, das Verenas Arbeitgeber; Boehringer Ingelheim, verfolgt, klingt nach einem wirklich sinnbringendem Purpose: Neue Medikamente entwickeln, um betroffene Patient:innen zu heilen oder ihnen eine bessere Lebensqualität zu ermöglichen. Welchen Beitrag Verena dabei leistet, erzählt sie in dieser Folge. Wir klären darüber hinaus, welche Skills man braucht und welche Herausforderungen im Tagesgeschäft bei Boehringer Ingelheim stecken. Verena berichtet von ihrer Rolle als Führungskraft und gibt Tipps, wie man sich die richtigen Kompetenzen aneignet, um Leadership-Aufgaben zu meistern. Abschließend gibt Verena wertvolle Tipps für die eigene Bewerbung bei dem pharmamedizinischen Unternehmen. Du willst auch die Medizin revolutionieren? Schau hier nach freien Stellen, Einstiegsmöglichkeiten und weiteren Infos:

  • Company life

    Fighting antimicrobial resistance: Boehringer Ingelheim, Evotec and bioMérieux launch Aurobac, a joint venture to fight Antimicrobial Resistance

    France and Germany, July 6, 2022 – Boehringer Ingelheim, a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, the life science company Evotec SE (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EVT, MDAX/TecDAX, ISIN: DE0005664809; NASDAQ: EVO) and bioMérieux, a world leader in in vitro diagnostics, announced today that they have formed a joint venture to create the next generation of antimicrobials along with actionable diagnostics to fight Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The resulting company, Aurobac Therapeutics SAS, will combine the best capabilities of the three founding companies towards developing a new precision medicine approach, from diagnosis to cure. The aspiration is to succeed in the fight against AMR, which is a major public health threat. Having routine surgery such as caesarean sections or hip replacements may become life threatening, and complications from common diseases such as diabetes and injuries or cuts will become harder to manage because of growing resistance to antibiotics in patients. “The rise of antibiotic-resistant infections – also called antimicrobial resistance, or AMR – is indeed a looming global crisis,” said Michel Pairet, Head of Boehringer Ingelheim’s Innovation Unit and Member of the Board of Managing Directors. ”Antibiotic resistance kills about 1.27 million people globally every year1 and it has been estimated that by 2050, as many as 10 million worldwide deaths could result from AMR2, making it potentially deadlier than cancer.” Werner Lanthaler, CEO of Evotec added: “The grim prospect of a post-antibiotic era has many causes but only one solution: The development of new, targeted, and effective antimicrobial therapies. We are excited to launch Aurobac together with our partners at Boehringer Ingelheim and bioMérieux, to combine our complementary strengths. By leveraging Evotec’s multimodality approach to infectious diseases, we are confident that Aurobac will be able to generate much-needed progress to tackle the global challenge of AMR.” “bioMérieux has a strong expertise in antimicrobial resistance. We supply the most comprehensive integrated diagnostic solutions to support an appropriate use of antibiotics (antimicrobial stewardship),” said Alexandre Mérieux, bioMérieux Chairman and CEO. “Our role within the joint venture is to develop and commercialize diagnostic tests, including Companion Diagnostics, which deliver rapid, reliable and actionable results. This participation in Aurobac is perfectly aligned with bioMérieux’ full commitment to sustain antibiotic efficacy for future generations.” Aurobac will work to shift the strategy related to antibiotic treatment regimens which at the moment leans heavily on empirical approaches using broad-spectrum and unfocused medicines. The goal is to turn this into a precision approach, using new highly effective and targeted modalities, combined with rapid and actionable diagnostics to quickly identify pathogens and their resistance patterns, and supported by new economic models. Funded by Boehringer Ingelheim as lead investor with 30 million EUR and by Evotec and bioMérieux with 5 million EUR each, the 40 million EUR joint venture, which has its headquarters in Lyon (France), combines the world leading expertise of Evotec, one of the most active research companies in infectious diseases, with bioMérieux’s market-leading expertise in infectious disease diagnostics and with Boehringer Ingelheim’s broad drug discovery and significant clinical development capabilities. Three partners committed to combat AMR Boehringer Ingelheim’s participation in Aurobac is part of a wider so-called pandemic preparedness initiative, which includes a 50 million EUR investment in the AMR action fund by Boehringer Ingelheim. Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund has committed to invest in up to 12 AMR infection companies. bioMérieux has over 55 years of diagnostics expertise with more than 75 percent of its research and development budget focused on antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, 80 percent of its turnover is related to the fight against AMR through a complete diagnostic solution facilitating antibiotic therapy decision-making, including antibiotic initiation, optimization, and discontinuation. Evotec has built a world-leading platform to tackle infectious diseases. With a more than 200-strong anti-infective discovery team, the company has proven experience on multiple agent classes. On top of the company’s own pre-competitive pandemic preparedness and rapid response technology platform (“PRROTECT”), Evotec leverages its infectious disease capabilities with many industry, academic and non-profit partners and is active in a variety of networks such as the AMR Accelerator that is part of the EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (“IMI”). References 1 2

  • Company life

    Glassdoor - Top Ten - Beste Arbeitgeber 2022 - Wir gehören dazu!

    Unsere Kolleg*innen haben uns unter die Top 10 der besten Arbeitgeber Deutschlands 2022 gewählt!  Diese Auszeichnung haben wir von Glassdoor verliehen bekommen und basiert auf dem freiwilligen, anonymen Feedback unserer Mitarbeitenden.  Wir freuen uns, dass Ihr Euch bei uns so wohlfühlt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our colleagues have chosen us among the top 10 of the best employers in Germany in 2022! We received this award from Glassdoor based on the voluntary and anonymous feedback from our employees. We are glad you feel so comfortable with us! Glassdoors 10 beste Arbeitgeber Deutschlands 2022 - Glassdoor

  • Company life

    Quantum Computing: Boehringer Ingelheim is a Founding Member of QUTAC

    Boehringer Ingelheim joined the Quantum Technology and Application Consortium (QUTAC) as a founding member. This consortium unites ten of the leading German companies from the fields of chemistry and pharmaceuticals as well as from the insurance business and the automotive industry. Their aim is to take quantum computing to the level of large-scale industrial application. In doing so, the founding members want to make a significant contribution to advance this technology in the German and European market. “As part of QUTAC, we will contribute to further advance the research for industrial solutions in the field of quantum computing,” says Michael Schmelmer, Member of the Board of Managing Directors of  Boehringer Ingelheim with responsibility for Finance and Group Functions. “Together with our partners at QUTAC, we want to create the basis for an efficient use of the quantum computing potential in the future. Even though it may still take some years until this technology is ready for industrial use, we need to define and explore a variety of specific use-cases across several industries now.” In terms of the pharmaceutical industry, quantum computing has an enormous potential for research and development. Quantum computers could accurately simulate and compare much larger molecular structures. This could have significant implications for early research processes in which Boehringer Ingelheim already enjoys a high level of expertise. By speeding up and optimizing these early research processes, future stages of research and development could also see additional positive outcomes. Therefore, quantum computing could open up entirely new possibilities for pharmaceutical innovation and therapies for a wide range of diseases. For Boehringer Ingelheim, the investment into the research of quantum computing is thus a long-term investment, as Michael Schmelmer explains: “Last year, we set up a dedicated Quantum Lab to explore specific applications for pharmaceutical research and development. Apart from these internal developments, partnerships with academia and the industry play an important role.” This is why Boehringer Ingelheim already announced a research partnership with Google Quantum AI in January 2021. Both companies conduct fundamental research. Together with QUTAC, Boehringer Ingelheim wants to explore further applications for quantum computing.