Boehringer Ingelheim

Our eyes are to the future. Our optimism is unwavering. Life forward

Type d'entreprise

Grande entreprise


Médecine / Pharmacie / Santé


Ingelheim am Rhein

Actualités (14)

  • Vie d'entreprise

    Wertschätzung und Fokus auf ganzheitliche Gesundheit machen Boehringer Ingelheim zum Global Top Employer 2023

    Wertschätzung und Fokus auf ganzheitliche Gesundheit machen Boehringer Ingelheim zum Global Top Employer 2023   Boehringer Ingelheim ist weltweit einer der 15 besten Arbeitgeber Sehr gute Bewertung in den Bereichen Wohlbefinden, Arbeitsumfeld sowie Vergütung und Wertschätzung der Mitarbeitenden Auszeichnung in Deutschland und 28 weiteren Ländern sowie Zertifizierungen in Europa, im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum und – auf Platz eins – in Lateinamerika Das Top Employer Institute zeichnet Boehringer Ingelheim  in 29 Ländern als “Top Employer” aus und somit zum dritten  Mal in Folge als “Global Top Employer”.

  • Autre

    Mit Data Science Medizin revolutionieren

    Verena erzählt Eine Karriere – zwei Positionen. Verena ist sowohl Senior Principal Capability Managerin als auch Chapter Head im Bereich Biostatistics and Data Science.  Das Ziel, das Verenas Arbeitgeber; Boehringer Ingelheim, verfolgt, klingt nach einem wirklich sinnbringendem Purpose: Neue Medikamente entwickeln, um betroffene Patient:innen zu heilen oder ihnen eine bessere Lebensqualität zu ermöglichen. Welchen Beitrag Verena dabei leistet, erzählt sie in dieser Folge. Wir klären darüber hinaus, welche Skills man braucht und welche Herausforderungen im Tagesgeschäft bei Boehringer Ingelheim stecken. Verena berichtet von ihrer Rolle als Führungskraft und gibt Tipps, wie man sich die richtigen Kompetenzen aneignet, um Leadership-Aufgaben zu meistern. Abschließend gibt Verena wertvolle Tipps für die eigene Bewerbung bei dem pharmamedizinischen Unternehmen. Du willst auch die Medizin revolutionieren? Schau hier nach freien Stellen, Einstiegsmöglichkeiten und weiteren Infos:

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    Fighting antimicrobial resistance: Boehringer Ingelheim, Evotec and bioMérieux launch Aurobac, a joint venture to fight Antimicrobial Resistance

    France and Germany, July 6, 2022 – Boehringer Ingelheim, a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, the life science company Evotec SE (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EVT, MDAX/TecDAX, ISIN: DE0005664809; NASDAQ: EVO) and bioMérieux, a world leader in in vitro diagnostics, announced today that they have formed a joint venture to create the next generation of antimicrobials along with actionable diagnostics to fight Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The resulting company, Aurobac Therapeutics SAS, will combine the best capabilities of the three founding companies towards developing a new precision medicine approach, from diagnosis to cure. The aspiration is to succeed in the fight against AMR, which is a major public health threat. Having routine surgery such as caesarean sections or hip replacements may become life threatening, and complications from common diseases such as diabetes and injuries or cuts will become harder to manage because of growing resistance to antibiotics in patients. “The rise of antibiotic-resistant infections – also called antimicrobial resistance, or AMR – is indeed a looming global crisis,” said Michel Pairet, Head of Boehringer Ingelheim’s Innovation Unit and Member of the Board of Managing Directors. ”Antibiotic resistance kills about 1.27 million people globally every year1 and it has been estimated that by 2050, as many as 10 million worldwide deaths could result from AMR2, making it potentially deadlier than cancer.” Werner Lanthaler, CEO of Evotec added: “The grim prospect of a post-antibiotic era has many causes but only one solution: The development of new, targeted, and effective antimicrobial therapies. We are excited to launch Aurobac together with our partners at Boehringer Ingelheim and bioMérieux, to combine our complementary strengths. By leveraging Evotec’s multimodality approach to infectious diseases, we are confident that Aurobac will be able to generate much-needed progress to tackle the global challenge of AMR.” “bioMérieux has a strong expertise in antimicrobial resistance. We supply the most comprehensive integrated diagnostic solutions to support an appropriate use of antibiotics (antimicrobial stewardship),” said Alexandre Mérieux, bioMérieux Chairman and CEO. “Our role within the joint venture is to develop and commercialize diagnostic tests, including Companion Diagnostics, which deliver rapid, reliable and actionable results. This participation in Aurobac is perfectly aligned with bioMérieux’ full commitment to sustain antibiotic efficacy for future generations.” Aurobac will work to shift the strategy related to antibiotic treatment regimens which at the moment leans heavily on empirical approaches using broad-spectrum and unfocused medicines. The goal is to turn this into a precision approach, using new highly effective and targeted modalities, combined with rapid and actionable diagnostics to quickly identify pathogens and their resistance patterns, and supported by new economic models. Funded by Boehringer Ingelheim as lead investor with 30 million EUR and by Evotec and bioMérieux with 5 million EUR each, the 40 million EUR joint venture, which has its headquarters in Lyon (France), combines the world leading expertise of Evotec, one of the most active research companies in infectious diseases, with bioMérieux’s market-leading expertise in infectious disease diagnostics and with Boehringer Ingelheim’s broad drug discovery and significant clinical development capabilities. Three partners committed to combat AMR Boehringer Ingelheim’s participation in Aurobac is part of a wider so-called pandemic preparedness initiative, which includes a 50 million EUR investment in the AMR action fund by Boehringer Ingelheim. Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund has committed to invest in up to 12 AMR infection companies. bioMérieux has over 55 years of diagnostics expertise with more than 75 percent of its research and development budget focused on antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, 80 percent of its turnover is related to the fight against AMR through a complete diagnostic solution facilitating antibiotic therapy decision-making, including antibiotic initiation, optimization, and discontinuation. Evotec has built a world-leading platform to tackle infectious diseases. With a more than 200-strong anti-infective discovery team, the company has proven experience on multiple agent classes. On top of the company’s own pre-competitive pandemic preparedness and rapid response technology platform (“PRROTECT”), Evotec leverages its infectious disease capabilities with many industry, academic and non-profit partners and is active in a variety of networks such as the AMR Accelerator that is part of the EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (“IMI”). References 1 2

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    Solidarity with Ukraine

    Our company condemns the military aggression against Ukraine. “On behalf of the Board of Managing Directors, I would like to express our feelings of sorrow and consternation over the start of a war in the middle of Europe. This affects people across the region, where families have members on both sides of the border, and where sons and daughters are called to duty in a war that only brings suffering and pain”, says Hubertus von Baumbach, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors. “War can never be accepted as the means of resolving conflicts.”   It was in February 1992 that we established our presence in Ukraine and Russia, which has grown to a total of nearly 800 employees today. "During these 30 years, we have achieved many milestones together in the interest of health, for the benefit of patients, and in the interest of life. Our Ukrainian as well as Russian colleagues have become integral members of the Boehringer Ingelheim family,” Hubertus von Baumbach continued. "Our thoughts are with them, as well as the many people who simply want to live in peace. On behalf of my colleagues, my deepest sympathies are with them all.”   “We have decided to make a donation of EUR 2.5 million* to charitable organizations providing humanitarian support to Ukraine and its citizens.” Many colleagues are working to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and their families in any way possible. We are in close contact with our Ukrainian colleagues. We also decided to grant up to 10 extra working days for Ukraine-related volunteering to our employees in Europe who wish to take time off to provide support. At the same time, we are seeking to limit the impact of the conflict on the supply of medicines to patients for humanitarian reasons across both countries. “We would like to thank all who have worked tirelessly during the past days to provide help wherever help can be provided.” Hubertus von Baumbach promises: “We will do everything to help our impacted colleagues, their families and communities.” * The donation will be distributed to the following charitable organizations: EUR 750k to International Committee of the Red Cross (via German Red Cross - DRK) EUR 750k to Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe EUR 500k to Aktion Deutschland Hilft EUR 500k to UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe

  • Vie d'entreprise

    Glassdoor - Top Ten - Beste Arbeitgeber 2022 - Wir gehören dazu!

    Unsere Kolleg*innen haben uns unter die Top 10 der besten Arbeitgeber Deutschlands 2022 gewählt!  Diese Auszeichnung haben wir von Glassdoor verliehen bekommen und basiert auf dem freiwilligen, anonymen Feedback unserer Mitarbeitenden.  Wir freuen uns, dass Ihr Euch bei uns so wohlfühlt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our colleagues have chosen us among the top 10 of the best employers in Germany in 2022! We received this award from Glassdoor based on the voluntary and anonymous feedback from our employees. We are glad you feel so comfortable with us! Glassdoors 10 beste Arbeitgeber Deutschlands 2022 - Glassdoor

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    Quantum Computing: Boehringer Ingelheim is a Founding Member of QUTAC

    Boehringer Ingelheim joined the Quantum Technology and Application Consortium (QUTAC) as a founding member. This consortium unites ten of the leading German companies from the fields of chemistry and pharmaceuticals as well as from the insurance business and the automotive industry. Their aim is to take quantum computing to the level of large-scale industrial application. In doing so, the founding members want to make a significant contribution to advance this technology in the German and European market. “As part of QUTAC, we will contribute to further advance the research for industrial solutions in the field of quantum computing,” says Michael Schmelmer, Member of the Board of Managing Directors of  Boehringer Ingelheim with responsibility for Finance and Group Functions. “Together with our partners at QUTAC, we want to create the basis for an efficient use of the quantum computing potential in the future. Even though it may still take some years until this technology is ready for industrial use, we need to define and explore a variety of specific use-cases across several industries now.” In terms of the pharmaceutical industry, quantum computing has an enormous potential for research and development. Quantum computers could accurately simulate and compare much larger molecular structures. This could have significant implications for early research processes in which Boehringer Ingelheim already enjoys a high level of expertise. By speeding up and optimizing these early research processes, future stages of research and development could also see additional positive outcomes. Therefore, quantum computing could open up entirely new possibilities for pharmaceutical innovation and therapies for a wide range of diseases. For Boehringer Ingelheim, the investment into the research of quantum computing is thus a long-term investment, as Michael Schmelmer explains: “Last year, we set up a dedicated Quantum Lab to explore specific applications for pharmaceutical research and development. Apart from these internal developments, partnerships with academia and the industry play an important role.” This is why Boehringer Ingelheim already announced a research partnership with Google Quantum AI in January 2021. Both companies conduct fundamental research. Together with QUTAC, Boehringer Ingelheim wants to explore further applications for quantum computing.

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    Boehringer Ingelheim partners with Lifebit to detect global infectious disease outbreaks

    Boehringer Ingelheim, a global leader in animal health, announces the beginning of a long-term partnership with Lifebit Biotech to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the detection and early-reporting of global disease outbreaks using real-world data harvested from scientific publications and other open sources. Utilizing the Lifebit REAL platform, insights into the latest infectious disease outbreaks allow R&D efforts to be prioritized accordingly.  Scientists and researchers from the two organizations will work side-by-side to combine real-world evidence and the latest AI algorithms to identify infectious disease outbreaks and respond accordingly. Lifebit REAL uses advanced analytic capabilities to automatically notify users of relevant outbreaks, such as transboundary disease spread or the emergence of pathogens, such as COVID-19. The system is built around an active learning architecture: with more relevant data ingested, the accuracy of the system increases. As an example, over 500 million tweets, 3 million news articles and thousands of scientific papers are published every day. However, with the sea of data being so vast, it is challenging for decision makers to collate meaningful insights that are both useful and actionable. Lifebit’s system alleviates these difficulties by combining precision data harvesting techniques with proprietary cutting-edge AI algorithms to identify signals from all the data noise. Dr. Eric Haaksma, Head of Animal Health Global Innovation Boehringer Ingelheim, shared: “External innovation is becoming an increasingly important aspect of our R&D playbook. Therefore, we are strategically partnering with Lifebit to leverage AI to monitor and interpret scientific and other sources in real-time, enabling us to track data related to animal diseases. This, in turn, will accelerate the detection process as the vast amounts of scientific relevant information being produced at many levels cannot be feasibly collected and analyzed manually.” Dr. Maria Chatzou-Dunford, CEO of Lifebit Biotech, added: “At Lifebit we thrive at connecting both, locked-up sensitive biomedical data from around the world and AI-driven automated RWE data insights - so that companies at the cutting edge of science, like Boehringer Ingelheim, can make faster and smarter decisions - delivering insights that change lives.” About Lifebit Biotech To cure diseases, researchers need to access and use as much biomedical data as possible, which are often inaccessible and unusable. Lifebit’s patented federated technology securely unlocks access to data-generating insights and delivers more precise drugs faster. Lifebit builds enterprise data platforms for use by organizations with complex and sensitive biomedical data environments. From providing Trusted Research Environments for national precision medicine programs to enabling pharmaceutical companies to discover new drug targets, Lifebit empowers customers across the public and private sectors to transform how they use sensitive and complex biomedical data. More information is available here: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health The lives of animals and humans are interconnected in deep and complex ways. We know that when animals are healthy, humans are healthier too. Across the globe, our 9,700 employees are dedicated to delivering value through innovation, thus enhancing the well-being of both. Respect for animals, humans and the environment is at the heart of what we do. We develop solutions and provide services to protect animals from disease and pain. We support our customers in taking care of the health of their animals and protect our communities against life- and society-threatening diseases. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health is the second largest animal health business in the world, with net sales of 4.1 billion euros in 2020 and presence in more than 150 countries. For more information visit: Boehringer Ingelheim Boehringer Ingelheim is working on breakthrough therapies that improve the lives of humans and animals. As a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, the company creates value through innovation in areas of high unmet medical need. Founded in 1885 and family-owned ever since, Boehringer Ingelheim takes a long-term perspective. Around 52,000 employees serve more than 130 markets in the three business areas, Human Pharma, Animal Health, and Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing. Learn more at

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    Zum zweiten Mal "Beste Kantine Deutschlands"

    Zum zweiten Mal in Folge wird Boehringer Ingelheims Mitarbeiterrestaurant zur „Besten Kantine Deutschlands“ gekürt. Das Betriebsrestaurant konnte sich mit einem innovativen Küchenkonzept erneut den ersten Platz in der Kategorie der Groß-Kantinen sichern. Ziel des Wettbewerbs ist es, herausragende Leistungen in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung auszuzeichnen. Im Jahr 2020/21 bewertete die Initiative Food & Health zudem solche Konzepte, die in der Pandemiezeit eine hochwertige Verpflegung sicherstellen konnten. Boehringer Ingelheim überzeugte die Jury besonders im Bereich Verantwortung, Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit mit einem kreativen und ganzheitlichen Verpflegungskonzept sowie seinem sozialen Engagement während der Pandemie.  Valentin Koch, Leiter der Wirtschaftsbetriebe Deutschland „Das Corona-Jahr hat die Gemeinschaftsverpflegung vor große Herausforderungen gestellt“, so Valentin Koch, Leiter der Wirtschaftsbetriebe Deutschland. „Bei geschlossenem Betriebsrestaurant musste schnell eine innovative Lösung her, die unserem Anspruch an eine gesunde, hochwertige und nachhaltige Verpflegung gerecht wird und gleichzeitig einen Beitrag zum Wohl der Menschen über das eigene Betriebsgelände hinaus leistet.“ So wurde frisch zubereitetes Take-Away-Essen kostenlos all denjenigen zur Verfügung gestellt, die während des Lockdowns den Betrieb in den Werken aufrechterhalten haben. Das waren durchschnittlich 2500 Mitarbeitende in Ingelheim als auch in Biberach. Bauern, die während des Lockdowns Absatzschwierigkeiten hatten, nahm Boehringer Ingelheim Warenüberschuss ab und stellte damit in großen Aktionen Marmelade oder Tomatensauce für die Beschäftigten her. Diese wurden Mitarbeitenden als Präsent nach Hause geschickt. Darüber hinaus belieferte Boehringer Ingelheim das städtische Krankenhaus in Ingelheim kostenfrei mit Essen. Regelmäßige Ernährungs- und Einkaufstipps zu verschiedensten Zutaten zusammen mit ausgewählten Rezepten zum Nachkochen, sollten den Mitarbeitenden im Homeoffice zudem besondere Anreize bieten, auch zuhause nachhaltig und gesund zu essen. Derzeit ist eines der beiden Mitarbeiterrestaurants in Ingelheim bereits zu einem Impfzentrum für die Beschäftigten ausgebaut.  Selbstproduzierte Lebensmittel mit regionalen Produkten „Die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung unserer Mitarbeitenden auch über die eigene Betriebsgastronomie ist bei Boehringer Ingelheim von zentraler Bedeutung und Teil unseres ganzheitlichen Gesundheitsmanagements. Unser Engagement für die Gesellschaft, vor allem in Corona-Zeiten, ist ein ebenso elementarer Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur. Die erneute Auszeichnung zur „Besten Kantine Deutschlands“ macht uns sehr stolz und zeigt, dass wir mit unseren Investitionen in eine gesunde und nachhaltige Verpflegung auf dem richtigen Weg sind“, so Christjan Knudsen, Leiter Personal Deutschland. Verantwortungsvolle Betriebsgastronomie  Hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit setzt Boehringer Ingelheim auch weiterhin auf regionale Einkaufsstrukturen, wachsende Eigenherstellung von Produkten, fleischreduzierte Speisepläne, energieeffiziente und ressourcenschonende Abläufe. Der CO2-Verbrauch konnte im letzten Jahr pro Gericht bereits um 20 Prozent reduziert werden. Das Ziel ist jährlich weitere 20 Prozent CO2 zu sparen. Mitarbeitende können zukünftig im Mitarbeiterrestaurant fertige Speisen mitnehmen und dank eines digitalen, appgestützten Mehrwegsystems abfallfrei und pfandfrei zurückbringen. Hierfür arbeitet Valentin Koch mit dem aus der Fernsehsendung „Höhle der Löwen“ bekannten Start-up vytal zusammen. Für alle Lieferanten der Boehringer Ingelheimer Wirtschaftsbetriebe ist das Liefern von bestimmten Waren in Mehrweggebinden mittlerweile Voraussetzung. Das Besondere: Valentin Koch unterstützt seine Partner bei erforderlichen Umstellungen beratend und schafft mit mehrjährigen Lieferverträgen Anreiz und Sicherheit für Investitionen in Mehrweglösungen. „Boehringer Ingelheim zeigt mit seinem Konzept auch während des Corona-Jahres Verantwortung für die Gesundheit und Wertschätzung der eigenen Mitarbeiter, aber auch darüber hinaus für die Region“, so Theresa Geisel, Vorsitzende Food & Health. „Durch pragmatische Hilfestellungen für die umliegenden Landwirte, die die Krise ebenfalls hart getroffen hat, konnte Boehringer Ingelheim die Food & Health-Kantinentest Jury 2021 durch ihr Engagement und eine kreative Umsetzung abermals überzeugen.“