B. Braun SE
B. Braun schützt und verbessert die Gesundheit von Menschen weltweit.
LinkedIn: AFRIKA KOMMT! program

6,549.9 km from Nigeria to Melsungen - This year`s AFRIKA KOMMT! program has recently ended with an official farewell ceremony at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. Our former Fellow Gabriel had the chance to be one of the Fellow speakers on site and shared his thoughts on how he experienced the program and his eight months lasting internship in the IT Professional Services department: "Working at #bbraun, a company that places great emphasis on integrity, accountability and quality consciousness, was exactly what I was looking for. During my time with the Enterprise Architecture Management team, I was able to grow both, personally and professionally, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an innovative and forward-thinking company. Now that my internship ends, I am looking forward to taking on new challenges, as I start a new position within the B. Braun Business IT Solutions team. "