Arthur D Little

We’ve been linking people, technology and strategy to make a powerful difference for our clients

Type d'entreprise

Grande entreprise


Conseil en strategie


7 place d'Iena, 75016 Paris

Actualités (43)

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    Eureka! on Steroids AI-driven research, development & innovation Artificial intelligence is driving a new era of breakthroughs in research, development, and innovation (R&D&I). From auctioning AI-generated art to solving complex mathematics and unlocking medical discoveries, AI's rapid advancements provide a compelling backdrop for understanding the technology's transformative potential. Arthur D. Little’s Blue Shift Report looks at how AI is reshaping innovation and what lies ahead in this evolving landscape. October 2018: Christie’s auction house sells a work created by the French artist collective Obvious in collaboration with AI for nearly half a million dollars. December 2023: A group of researchers reports in Nature that they have solved a previously unsolved mathematics problem by collaborating with generative AI (GenAI). June 2024: Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania leveraged machine learning (ML) to discover nearly 1 million potential antibiotic compounds, with dozens showing activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. October 2024: two Nobel Prizes were awarded for discoveries related to ML, both in physics and chemistry. October 2024: Joëlle Barral, head of AI research at Google DeepMind, recently noted, “AI will accelerate research far beyond what we currently imagine.” A series of AI ripples in the pond of creativity. Will AI, indeed, augment R&D&I? Will the pace of scientific discoveries significantly increase thanks to AI? What role does AI play in the “Eureka!” moment? What role does AI play in the countless tasks that define R&D&I? These are some of the questions that Arthur D. Little’s (ADL’s) Blue Shift wanted to investigate.

  • Vie d'entreprise

    ADL Paris celebrates the new year with a pair of memorable office events

    Where were we at the end of 2023? Where are we now? In retrospect, it seemed like we had all grown tremendously. Our team is larger, the storylines sharper, our expertise broader. The Casablanca office attached to Paris is now in full motion, with a steady stream of projects and a few memorable team meals – fine dining in renowned restaurants or McDonald’s in the office. We have now fully adopted our new office space on the garden floor, hosting events and working in the peaceful open space. Our new organization is anchored and team seminars allowed the Paris office leadership to shine a light on our commitment to the ADL Bigger goals. Yet one piece was missing: a good old-fashioned Christmas party to celebrate our team and its achievements. This is why, on December 12th, all members of the Paris team convened at L’Atelier Eiffel to celebrate the year passed. In this homely location, which had been dressed in chalet esthetics, we competed in a friendly contest of Virtual Reality skiing and traded histories of our past projects, then Secret Santa gifts ("A boomerang! my favorite!"). Managing Partner Matteo Ainardi thanked us for our contribution and wished us the best for 2025. He also distributed many gifts. Consultant Vincent Benyamin-Wood received a brand new set of raclette for scoring the highest for his team – despite no skiing experience, because talent cannot be explained. Was it enough skiing? The question lingered, and enthralled by the sight of ski goggles and pompon hats, we decided to organize a CSE event. But when and how? Wisely avoiding the difficulties of sending 50+ people in Italy in this time of blocked roads and tunnels, a strike-team led by Consultant Morgane Champeaux set their eye on Les Ménuires station in France. “It really is a great perk for employees to have” said Business Analyst Thibault Ducellier, “seeing how skiing is an expensive sports”. Weather was poor for the greater part of the January week-end we selected. We proceeded with caution due to low visibility, a skill most of us have come to master in our day-to-day work due to changing client expectations. Left, right, left, right, stop mid-slope, left, right, dodge a tree, dodge a rock, and deliver the project with brio. The après-ski were shared with a host of proper lads come straight from Dublin, for better or for worse. Personal spending on beverages had some overrun, with one or more credit cards blocked after an abnormal spending at a restaurant aptly named The Dummy Trap (translated). It was a time of celebration of promotions and a toast to the future. As night comes to day, the most valiant of us were up in time to catch the morning cartoons and reconnect with the kid within before hitting the slopes. For most, getting up on Saturday was a struggle, but our managers led the charge for another day, bright and early. The fresh air of the ski lifts had a proper cleansing effect on their minds and bodies. Away, away with yesterday!

  • Vie d'entreprise

    Arthur D. Little fête ses 135 ans!

    Arthur D. Little a fêté son 135ème anniversaire lors du Summer Seminar en Sardaigne. Les équipes d’Arthur D. Little ont pu se réunir pour fêter cet événement lors d'un week-end début octobre.

  • Vie d'entreprise

    Alumni & Employee Party ADL Paris 2021

    La soirée annuelle Alumni & Employee a eu lieu le 16 septembre dans notre jardin face à la Tour Eiffel: l’occasion de retrouver les anciens collègues ADL lors d’un cocktail dînatoire. Nos invités ont pu également profiter d’une animation photo, histoire d’en finir avec le Covid une fois pour toutes!

  • Vie d'entreprise

    Barbecue traditionnel d’Artur D. Little Paris

    Notre équipe s’est réunie autour d’un barbecue traditionnel dans le jardin des bureaux. Cette rencontre était une belle occasion pour mieux connaître nos nouveaux arrivants et pour fêter l’arrivée de l’été.

  • Vie d'entreprise

    Les vélos électriques débarquent chez Artur D. Little

    Arthur D. Little Paris accompagne ses équipes dans leur transition écologique. Dès à présent, Arthur D. Little Paris propose à ses salariés de profiter d’une offre de leasing de vélos électriques (ou pas selon l’envie). Une bonne occasion pour adopter les trajets à vélo !

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    Our new Operations Management Report: "Public procurement transformation in the GCC region – post-COVID-19 era"

    Has COVID-19 been a wake-up call for radical changes in the public sector procurement in the GCC region? Arthur D. Little believes public entities in the GCC region need to develop an integrated strategic procurement framework to allow public procurement to be more agile and increase its performance. Find out more here: