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That should interest you

  • Midwife

    It’s often said they do “the most beautiful job in the world”. Midwives support women throughout their pregnancies and help them give birth.

  • Metallurgist

    In 2018, over 1,700 million tons of steel were used worldwide... so it’s no overstatement to say we couldn’t do without metallurgists, the researchers who are borderline inventors.

  • Enterprise architect

    A position of responsibility focussed on strategy, enterprise architects design (or redesign) IT environments. Why? To help organisations achieve their goals by optimally using a variety of technologies and processes.

  • Secondary school teacher

    “Remember Mrs Parker teaching us guitar, or Mr Edwards throwing chalk at us?” Anyone who says their secondary school teachers didn’t leave a lasting impression on them... well, they’re probably lying! And you know what our teachers taught us about lying...

  • Psychologist

    As mental health professionals, psychologists listen and observe human behaviour in order to detect problems and treat them. Just like doctors, but without the stethoscope...

  • Art restorer

    Art restorers bring old and damaged works of art back to life. Whether it’s furniture, paintings, stained glass, sculptures, books, tapestries... restorers can specialise in a wide range of materials and techniques.

  • Digital marketing specialist

    These days, we spend an average of two more hours online per day than just ten years ago. That’s why digital marketing specialists do all they can to attract our attention online and convert us into customers.

  • Import export manager

    Nowadays, with the globalisation of the world’s economies, import and export markets are increasingly complex. That’s why import/export managers are so important to make sure goods get to where they need to be.

  • Elderly home manager

    Being the manager of a retirement home is a versatile career. As the head of a residential home for elderly people who perhaps need extra support or care, they have to oversee the running of the entire site, keeping a careful eye on every aspect.

  • Tourist guide

    “Is everyone still here? Can everyone hear me? ok? Ok, let’s go – follow the guide!” Guided tours, organised excursions, museum visits... fortunately, tour guides are on hand with the answer to every question – within reason!

  • Communication manager

    Communications directors organise the entire communications strategy for their company, institution or organisation. They play with the public’s unconscious mind to get them to identify with a brand, name or idea.

  • Advertising copywriter

    “Just do it”. “Because you’re worth it”. “Think different”. Just a few phrases that have been forever etched on our brains and have become part of everyday life, which get quoted all the time.

  • Logistics analyst

    Interested in managing stock levels and global flows of goods? It’s a logistics analyst’s responsibility (among other things) to avoid another toilet paper shortage like the one at the start of the pandemic.

  • Zoology technician

    Zoologists are passionate scientists who devote their lives to studying animals around the world, as well as their environments, behaviours, ecosystems and nutrition.

  • Commodity broker

    Finding the best mortgage deal or insurance product to suit your particular circumstances isn’t always easy... fortunately, brokers are on hand to step in, save the day and find the best possible deals!