Dive into jobroles

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That should interest you

  • Hospitality revenue manager

    Sometimes known as yield managers, revenue managers play around with pricing levels to try to sell as many tickets or services as possible.

  • IT Project Manager

    As digital and technological experts, IT project managers take the lead from the moment their colleague or customer first expresses their needs all the way through to the systems being introduced and signed off. Their typical projects generally include the following three stages.

  • Housing policy officer

    The right to housing is an inherent one, as mentioned in several international agreements and constitutions. And that’s exactly what housing officers are tasked with.

  • Travel agency manager

    Excursions, all-inclusive getaways, cruises, guided tours... as excellent salespeople, travel agents master their subject as they take responsibility for carefully crafting our trips of a lifetime!

  • School Relations Manager

    What’s the best way to attract recent graduates and make them want to join your company? Those are the questions that school relations managers grapple with on a daily basis.

  • Creative director

    We all have adverts or slogans that stick in our minds... and that means a creative director somewhere has done their job properly! A key role within communications agencies, they offer their creative vision and oversee teams.

  • Palaeontologist

    Palaeontologists seek to understand living creatures of the past by studying their fossils. Tyrannosaurus teeth, mammoth tusk or perhaps even a plant fossil? There really is something for everyone!

  • Notary

    What would happen if you forgot to get your deeds of sale, your will, or some other important document notarised by a professional? Well, it would be worth nothing. Nada. Zilch. You’d probably need to shred it and start all over again. As public officials, notaries play a key role with life’s important paperwork.

  • Navy officer

    Whether navigating on the bridge or loading weapons on deck, crossing oceans on an aircraft carrier or lurking deep below on a nuclear submarine, whatever their speciality, naval officers are military leaders charged with protecting the high seas.

  • Police officer

    The role of police officers has always been an excuse to let our imaginations run wild. From PC Catherine Cawood in Happy Valley to Ted Hastings in Line of Duty to Luther himself, there’s no shortage of examples here!

  • Horse breeder

    Whether mucking out the stables or enjoying life in the saddle, horse breeders spend their days looking after horses and ponies. They’re entirely responsible for their health, wellbeing and breeding.

  • Intellectual property consultant

    These days, claiming “ownership” of something you’ve made just isn’t good enough anymore. In cultural settings and industrial sectors alike, the notion of intellectual property is now key.

  • Translator

    Literary translations or technical, subtitling or interpreting, without translators, life would be much more confusing – whether left standing in front of your new washing machine and its incomprehensible instructions, or trying and failing to understand the latest Oscar-winning foreign film.

  • Telecommunications engineer

    The fact you can call your grandma any time, day or night, is thanks to them. Telecoms engineers design the devices that allow information to flow from A to B.

  • Industrial pharmacist

    Before launching a new day cream or antibiotic, someone needs to check every new product meets regulatory standards before giving it the green stamp of market approval. That’s where regulatory affairs officers come in.