Dive into jobroles

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That should interest you

  • Data protection officer

    The role of data protection officer represents an emerging career. They combine their IT and technical knowledge with legal and regulatory expertise.

  • Epidemiologist

    Very clever scientists who stop pandemics single-handedly! To understand diseases and how they spread throughout the population, we rely on the brains of epidemiologists.

  • Land planner

    New shopping centres, pedestrianised old towns, eco-districts, railway lines... you can’t deny it, if our cities are nice places to live, work and play, it’s because a town planner has been one step ahead of the curve!

  • Warehouse order picker

    Whether packaging up books in a warehouse or working on online deliveries for a big supermarket brand, order pickers collect and pack products with one primary goal in mind: customer satisfaction.

  • Child day care worker

    All childhood specialists agree that the first few years of a child’s life are crucial. Childcare assistants support their learning and development from 0 to 3 years old, while always ensuring their wellbeing, of course.

  • Housing manager

    Not everyone can manage their own property without an extra helping hand. Sales, rentals, renovations... Property law – as anyone in the know will tell you – can be a little complicated!

  • Musician

    In a musician’s hands, an instrument can come to life. Perfectionists and creative types, a good musician only needs to play a few notes to reel us in, make us dream, dance, sing and cry.

  • Hospitality revenue manager

    Sometimes known as yield managers, revenue managers play around with pricing levels to try to sell as many tickets or services as possible.

  • IT Project Manager

    As digital and technological experts, IT project managers take the lead from the moment their colleague or customer first expresses their needs all the way through to the systems being introduced and signed off. Their typical projects generally include the following three stages.

  • Housing policy officer

    The right to housing is an inherent one, as mentioned in several international agreements and constitutions. And that’s exactly what housing officers are tasked with.

  • Public administration manager

    Working in the public sector, whether locally or nationally, senior civil servants occupy the highest grades among those who run our public services. The crème de la crème of the civil service, they belong to an elite group of officials.

  • School Relations Manager

    What’s the best way to attract recent graduates and make them want to join your company? Those are the questions that school relations managers grapple with on a daily basis.

  • Creative director

    We all have adverts or slogans that stick in our minds... and that means a creative director somewhere has done their job properly! A key role within communications agencies, they offer their creative vision and oversee teams.

  • Palaeontologist

    Palaeontologists seek to understand living creatures of the past by studying their fossils. Tyrannosaurus teeth, mammoth tusk or perhaps even a plant fossil? There really is something for everyone!

  • Notary

    What would happen if you forgot to get your deeds of sale, your will, or some other important document notarised by a professional? Well, it would be worth nothing. Nada. Zilch. You’d probably need to shred it and start all over again. As public officials, notaries play a key role with life’s important paperwork.