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That should interest you

  • Statistician

    Just like farmers harvest crops, statisticians harvest information. They sort and summarise data to help decision-makers and the wider public make informed decisions.

  • Insurance underwriter

    We all need insurance these days, whether it’s to cover home contents, an upcoming trip, or a multinational corporation and all its operations, staff and liabilities. In this sector, it’s insurance underwriters who lead the way.

  • Operations manager

    Operations directors (also known as COOs, from chief operating officer) are the link between sales departments and production divisions. In big companies, they’re like the conductor of a very big orchestra.

  • Tax advisor

    Where finance, law and accounting meet, you’ll find tax advisors. Specialist legal experts, they know tax law like the back of their hand and can help you fill in your tax return in the blink of an eye.

  • E-learning developer

    Experienced tutors, e-learning developers design and create the tools needed for online learning. Their job is to make knowledge more accessible and appealing through activities, animations, videos and more.

  • Equipment engineer

    If a metro breaks down, there’s a power cut or the air-conditioning isn’t working (again!), it’s the job of an equipment maintenance engineer to step in and resolve the problem, while carrying out regular checks to ensure things are working properly in the first place.

  • Electrical engineer

    Want more resistant bulletproof vests? Add carbon nanotubes! That’s the job of a nanotechnology engineer, manipulating physical structures to bring about technological innovations.

  • Hydrologist

    Specialists in the water cycle, hydrologists manage the quality and quantity of water available to us. They work to make the best possible use of our planet’s aquatic resources.

  • Packaging production manager

    Cardboard boxes, perfume bottles, plastic containers... packaging is ubiquitous in all our lives. And it’s the job of research and development packaging engineers to design it.

  • Mobile application developer

    Social networks, messaging, ecommerce, video content, dating sites, gaming... to meet user expectations nowadays, mobile developers work hard to create bespoke applications for smartphones and tablets.

  • Geotechnician

    Before any kind of construction or mining work can begin, if you want to avoid total disaster, it’s always best to call on the expert services of a geotechnician, specialists in studying the nature of the ground under our feet. With their help, there’ll be no unexpected cracks or crevices!

  • Electronics engineer

    Diodes, circuits, resistors... electronics are absolutely everywhere you look, from mobile phones to submarine control panels. There certainly wouldn’t be many technological innovations without electronics engineers!

  • Thermal engineer

    We all know someone who’s always too hot or too cold. Achieving the optimal temperature and air quality – whether that’s in the office, in a supermarket or simply at home – is the number one task of a thermal engineer.

  • Software developer

    It’s often said that software will eventually take over the world, and from finance and transport to health, trade and social networking, computer programs are absolutely everywhere you look! And there’s a successful software engineer behind each one.

  • Acoustical engineer

    Ah! The dulcet tones of pneumatic drills below your window, or the rush of heavy traffic roaring down the busy road at the end of your street... which of us has never dreamed of being able to switch off our ears? Fortunately, acoustic engineers are here to make our lives more pleasant.