Dive into jobroles

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That should interest you

  • Occupational therapist

    As skilled healthcare professionals, occupational therapists support people with disabilities and those with temporary mobility issues. They help their patients regain their autonomy in everyday life, from eating and drinking to getting around, getting dressed and much more besides.

  • Prosecutor

    “You can’t handle the truth! . Admittedly, it was actor Jack Nicholson hurling this infamous line at the judge, but it’s still synonymous with real-life prosecutors, the people we charge with discovering and explaining the truth on behalf of the public and the prosecution services, making sure offenders face justice for what they’ve done.

  • Army officer

    Engineers, administrators, weapons officers and field marshals... army officers take command of their units, leading groups of anywhere from 30 to 1,000 soldiers.

  • Corporate treasurer

    Treasurers hold the purse strings in business. Within their grasp are all the investments, expenses and revenue that need to be perfectly balanced for companies to run as they should.

  • Higher education lecturer

    Higher education professionals working in university departments, research professors have a dual mission: sharing their knowledge and advancing research within their subject area.

  • Food technologist

    As more and more people suffer from food intolerances and allergies, and with all the new food trends on the market, we need skilled food technologists to step in.

  • Chief marketing officer

    Fine strategists, marketing directors (or CMOs, from chief marketing officer) are the figureheads of any marketing operation. They inject a coherent strategy into their company’s growth policy.

  • Pharmacist

    Easily spotted on high streets and in shopping centres the world over thanks to their bright white coats and luminous green signs, part medical advisors, part shopkeepers, pharmacists are an essential link in our healthcare supply chains.

  • Strategic planning manager

    Within companies or advertising agencies, strategic planning directors hold a visionary role in the process to develop communication strategies for a product, service or brand.

  • Vineyard manager

    Vineyard managers coordinate the amount and quality of wine produced on their site, as well as their company’s strategy – managing vineyards technically, administratively and commercially.

  • Podiatrist

    Ingrown toenails, flat feet, calluses... to get off on the right foot, there’s nothing like a trip to the podiatrist, the health professionals who take care of our feet.

  • Aircraft pilot

    “Is there a pilot onboard?” You’d hope so! And more often than not, there are two. Whether transporting passengers or cargo, a career as an airline pilot is one plenty of us dream about.

  • Legal assistant

    Sometimes known as “paralegals”, legal assistants support lawyers and other legal professionals with managing their day-to-day work.

  • Ticket sales agent

    Put simply, ticket agents represent a vital link between what you want to do and what you’re going to do: whether it’s organising an essential business trip or helping you sail off into the unknown on the cruise of a lifetime... they grant all our travel wishes!

  • Robotics engineer

    “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for...”. But what if they were! From industrial robotics to robot-surgeons, advances in robotics are changing all our lives. “Hasta la vista, baby! ”