Dive into jobroles

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That should interest you

  • Sociologist

    Who watches the evening news? Where do older people fall in love? What are teenagers wearing these days? All questions sociologists seek to answer, analysing the way societies are formed and behave to understand them better.

  • Composer

    With a pen and paper never too far away, and always with their instrument of choice to hand, composers are creatives. All-round artists, they create musical works, writing lyrics and music.

  • Surgeon

    ENT surgeons, gastroenterologists, obstetricians... whatever they specialise in, surgeons repair bodies and – sometimes – save lives. Leading a medical team, they make every effort to ensure every operation is a success.

  • Automotive engineer

    Gas-guzzling or fully-electric, it’s hard to imagine a world without cars, busses, lorries and motorbikes. Passionate about cars and all things mechanical, automotive engineers optimise the performance, comfort and safety of vehicles.

  • Business valuer

    Having a clear idea of the value of a business – whether it’s before floating on the stock market, in the run up to a merger or acquisition, or just when a new partner comes onboard – is essential for every business owner and investor.

  • Air force officer

    Fighter pilots, administrative staff, intelligence officers, air vice-marshals, logistics planners, mechanics... there are certainly no shortage of roles in the air force!

  • Journalist

    Whether they’re on TV, in the press, on the radio or online, journalists unscramble information and make it accessible to us all. It’s often said that without good journalists, we’d be walking around with our eyes firmly shut!

  • Chief executive officer

    Also known as managing directors, chief executive officers (CEOs) sit at the very top of the tree in the corporate world. They need broad shoulders, because the buck stops here with every moral, legal and financial decision.

  • Toxicologist

    Medicines, household cleaning products, cosmetics... the job of a toxicologist is to study the chemicals present in our everyday lives and assess their impact on our health.

  • Stop-motion animator

    Music videos, online advertising, 2D or 3D animations... motion designers create animated graphic content by mixing images, video, sound and typography.

  • Dental practitioner

    Although some people are terrified to go and see them, dentists still put the happiest, healthiest smiles on our faces! As specialists in teeth, dentists give advice on oral hygiene, deal with tooth decay, fix any defects, scale, polish, remove teeth and insert implants.

  • Cosmetic chemist

    Working at the heart of research and development departments at some of the world’s biggest beauty brands, cosmetics engineers are scientists who come up with the recipes for the shower gels, creams and shampoos of the future. Because we’re worth it.

  • Food safety specialist

    In the food industry, quality managers have a key role to play: guaranteeing that the food that makes it onto our plates is fit for consumption. Their ultimate goal? Zero mistakes!

  • Programme manager

    Experienced professionals, IT project directors coordinate and manage the IT projects that fall under their remit, from initial negotiations to final delivery.

  • Physiotherapist

    Commonly known as “physios”, physiotherapists usually see patients who have been referred by their doctor. Through massage therapy, manipulation and rehabilitation exercises, they help people regain and build their motor skills.